Tom Malinowski is the quintessential 2022 Democrat, Save Jerseyans:
Hopelessly disconnected from the reality of his fellow citizens.
Young parents who can’t find baby formula are choosing between gasing up the car and buying groceries, but Tom (who remains under investigation for shady multi-million dollar stock trades during the pandemic) sees things differently.
This week, he told the Patch that he’s running for a third term in Congress “to continue the work we’ve done in bringing America’s economy back from the pandemic.”
I want some of whatever Malinowski’s smoking, folks.
New Morning Consult Poll results found 40% believing President Biden is very responsible for inflation; only 12% think he bears no responsibilities. Running on Joe Biden’s record in 2022 is right up there with “selling ice to eskimos” on the master list of horrible ideas.
“Not everyone was able to use their taxpayer-funded jobs to make millions of dollars off the pandemic, but it’s nice of Tom Malinowski to remind New Jerseyans he’s riding high while they can’t afford gas, groceries, or find baby formula,” responded NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock after the Patch story went live.