The Enabler-in-Chief

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According to their well-rehearsed story, Joe and Jill Biden first met on a blind date in 1975.  Not so, says Jill’s first husband, Bill Stevenson.  He claims that he and Jill volunteered for Joe Biden’s 1972 Senate campaign.  While admitting that she met Neilia, Joe’s first wife, at his victory party that year, Jill still insists that she wasn’t introduced to Joe until three years later.

Jill’s rather dubious version contradicts Bill Stevenson’s well-documented story that includes allegations that Jill and Joe began an affair in 1974, a year before Jill says they first met.  Stevenson says that a customer came into his office that year claiming that Jill’s brown Corvette had dented his bumper… but that Joe Biden had been behind the wheel.

Gulp!  In the words of Ricky Ricardo, it sounds like both Joe and Jill have some “splaining” to do.

Likewise, Joe and Jill have some more explaining to do these days as a man with obvious cognitive deficits is being allowed – and enabled – to serve as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces.  If it’s painfully obvious to me and the rest of the American public that Joe’s brain isn’t firing on all cylinders, it must be even more apparent to Jill… and yet, she allows the ruse to continue unabated.

About five years ago, my mother-in-law confided in Deanna and me that there was something wrong with my father-in-law.  “He seems fine to us,” I remember Deanna and I saying repeatedly.

“You’re not around him 24/7 like I am,” my mother-in-law replied.  And guess what?  She was right.

Having been married to my father-in-law for almost 60 years at the time, she knew him better than he knew himself and could detect small changes in his behavior that eluded the rest of us.  Gradually, we began to see some of the same tell-tale signs of dementia that she had observed well before we did.  Today, just a few short years later, my father-in-law is in a memory care facility where he requires around the clock attention.

So far, neither Deanna nor I have noticed anything strange about each other’s behavior.  Sure, we both have an occasional memory lapse, but our minds seem intact for the time being.  And yes, after 38 years together, we often finish each other’s sentences like most married couples do.

I suspect that if one of us starts to slip mentally, the other will be the first one to notice.  After all, it’s hard to hide anything when you’re living together in a 34’ trailer.

For that reason, I have to believe that Jill Biden knew several years ago – and possibly longer – that Joe was slipping cognitively.  But what did she do?  Instead of urging him to retire and enjoy their sunset years together, she encouraged him to run for the highest office in the land and the most powerful position in the world.  Even worse, she is now enthusiastically supporting Geritol Joe for re-election at the age of 81.

Not only was Jill’s decision to hide Joe’s mental decline egregious, but it was also dangerous.  The “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory,” as special counsel Robert Hur called him, has the nuclear code at his fingertips.  He also makes national security decisions every day and is entrusted with Top Secret information – not including the boxes stored haphazardly in his garage – that could imperil our country should it fall into the wrong hands.

But apparently, that doesn’t matter to Dr. Jill Biden, who claims that Joe is as fit and energetic as ever while she leads him around by the hand like a little lost puppy.  Hopefully, voters will see through her cynical smokescreen and give them both the boot this November.

Dale Glading
About Dale Glading 129 Articles
Dale Glading is an ordained minister and former N.J. Republican candidate for Congress.