Christine O’Donnell and our fellow conservatives just to the south are, by all accounts, in trouble. I made no secret about my feelings on her primary victory on September 14th. But the fact of the matter is that she won, Mike Castle lost, and Republicans should be getting behind her. That includes Castle himself, who has refused to endorse her in her race for a very important seat.
The polls are, to say the least, not good. According to the RCP average, O’Donnell is down by 15.7% (as of September 21). But now, O’Donnell has begun launching ads to combat the media’s portrayal of her. This will be no easy task, and I wish her the best of luck, but I am not sure that this ad does the trick.
The video below is a very simple advertisement. O’Donnell speaks clearly while looking into the camera where she repeats and explains her basic campaign message.
I’m You.
I think that in a year like this one, this is a great message. It mirrors what voters across the country are looking for. Someone who will go down to Washington and do the common sense things that voters feel that they would do themselves. It also doesn’t hurt that O’Donnell looks nothing like the “witch” that the media has sought to create. Watch for yourselves and decide.
Great message? She lies about her schools. She is under investigation for illegally using her campaign funds for personal use. She totally discounts evolution. Frankly…she's one of the biggest nutjob Tea Baggers out there…and that's saying something!
What the hell is wrong with you people?
As I have expressed in earlier posts, she is a troubled candidate for a number of reason. However, she has never described herself as a "bearded marxist" like her opponent Chris No-one-has-ever-heard-of-me Coons.
Her message, if it is to believed by independent voters, is a good one. This is one of those wait and see races.
No…she only described herself as a "witch". Guess you're into the voodoo.
What message? Its good to lie on a resume? its ok to steal from the campaign? Its ok to discount science out of hand? Oh yes…very good messages to send.
I ask again…what the hell is wrong with you people?
Of course those would be terrible messages to send. Thats why her campaign isn't making commercials saying those things. Shes making a good faith attempt to connect with voters, which in a year like this would be a good tactic.
As I said before, whether it works or not will remain to be seen. You don't have to convince me shes a problematic candidate. I wrote about it, I agree. But theres one certainty with her that we wont get from Chris Coons…
O'Donnell will actually vote the right way.
So, then, because she purports to be a conservative, you can overlook the lies and illegalities? And what message does that send.