12:38 pm: Sharron Angle went down to Harry Reid in Nevada tonight. A hugely disappointing result for Republicans to be sure, and I’m reminded of the time Angle took time off the trail to stump for Anna Little in New Jersey. I didn’t see the logic of it then. Definitely hard to see it now…
12:20 am: An interesting race outcome from Atlantic County… Freeholder JAMES CURCIO will narrowly win his race for county surrogate by just under 2-points despite having been charged with a DUI a few weeks ago. Insiders worried whether Curcio’s candidacy would be able to withstand the resulting public scrutiny. There’s your answer! The Atlantic GOP will continue to expand its dominance over county politics with or without Nucky Thompson:
11:45 pm: Long-time Save Jerseyans are familiar with the saga of Democrat Bill Brown. Well, his twisted tale may have (finally) come to an end tonight. The unstable former LD8 assembly candidate ran for Mt. Laurel Township Council (Burlington) this year but, according to early returns, came up empty. Mr. Brown will soon join his close ally John Adler in political retirement. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy…
10:35 pm: Incumbent State Senator Tom Goodwin (R) is going down to defeat in LD-14. Democrat Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein will win the special…
10:25 pm: More mixed news in NJ… KATHE DONOVAN (R) won her County Executive race in Bergen County with significant down-ballot implications. SCOTT SIPPRELLE, however, has fallen short in his campaign to unseat Rush Holt in CD-12 by just about 3%. What a heartbreak!
10:15 pm: State Senator Tom Goodwin is in trouble in LD-14 where he trails challenger Linda Greestein by about 3.8k votes with over 80% reporting… DEVELOPING…
10:08 pm: Sad news, Save Jerseyans. We project that Anna Little will fall short in CD6 by about 11-points with 70% reporting…
9:48 pm: Save Jersey projects that JON RUNYAN is the winner in CD-3, 58% to 38% with 204/508 precincts tallied, defeating machine stooge and soon-to-be former Congresscrat JOHN ADLER…
In equally HUGE news, the GOP Freeholder ticket was indeed victorious in Gloucester County.
9:23 pm: It looks like Republicans are poised to win two Gloucester freeholder seats in the heart of Norcross territory…
Freeholder |
200/232 86.21% |
Under Votes | 5280 | |
Over Votes | 0 | |
Vote Count | Percent | |
– LARRY WALLACE | 34,748 | 25.58% |
– VINCENT H. NESTORE, JR | 33,967 | 25.01% |
– ROBERT T. ZIMMERMAN | 32,616 | 24.01% |
– HEATHER SIMMONS | 32,692 | 24.07% |
– MARGIE MAC WILLIAMS | 1,703 | 1.25% |
Write-in | 111 | 0.08% |
Total | 135,837 | 100.00%
9:11 pm: Anna Little leads with 154 of 483 precincts reporting; 26,785 to 25,348. Little is beating Pallone in the Monmouth portions of the district…
8:47 pm: Kathleen Donovan leads in the race for Bergen Co. Executive by approximately 2,000 votes with 121 out of 553 precincts reporting…
8:27 pm: Runyan leads Adler, 58% to 42%, with… 1% reporting. Hey! We’ll take what we can get. Results here.
7:54 pm: Art Gallagher of MMM reports a strong turnout in Monmouth and Middlesex counties. A local reports “2 to 1” Republican turnout in Middletown. That would be very, very bad news for Frank Pallone in CD-6. Polls close in just 6 minutes…
7:33 pm: Poll workers are reporting HIGH turnout in New Jersey’s suburban communities. Whereas most voting stations experience spotty patronage throughout the day, a majority of stations seem to have had a steady flow well into the evening. Pay special attention to the Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington County vote totals to give us a clue as to how suburbs in these South/Central Jersey counties affected this state’s three competitive house contests.
7:10 pm: You can find real time numbers at county BOE websites. Click here for a partial list.
7:05 pm: Welcome to Election Night 2010, Save Jerseyans! We’ll update this “open thread” throughout the evening with results, analysis, and anything else our blogging team deems worthy of discussion. PLEASE COMMENT BELOW!!! This is your night…
Little is now neck and neck with Pallone. I'm starting to fear the liberal pockets will put Pallone over the top…
Tea partiers cost Republicans the Senate. Plain and simple. The GOP needs to do a better job getting their vote out in primaries in order to thin out their ranks and force them back into the sewers they crawled out of.