What Rookie Republicans Can Learn from Freeholder Larry Wallace

If you haven’t been to Save Jersey since last week, be sure to check out my stream of consciousness impressions from the Gloucester County Freeholder swearing in of Larry Wallace and Vince Nestore. The meeting itself was momentous for not only bringing Republicans to the board for the first time in years, but for also being the first meeting of the Freeholder board since Steve Sweeney’s overdue resignation.

Looking back on the event, I remember sitting with a smile on my face as Freeholder Wallace took a stand against Director Damminger in front of the packed room. He performed his duty as a Freeholder in a way that, as a South Jersey (and specifically Camden County) resident, I have never seen before.

Republicans in New Jersey, especially at the local level, seem to have this unfortunate mindset upon entering their office. Often coming into institutions that were formerly democrat only, they lose the fire that helped them to win the election in the first place. They all seem to come through with a common line before the first meeting: “I need to work with these guys…” This idea is a clear path to failure for any new Republican official in this state. Because you see, “work with” in this sense does not simply mean carry out the duties of government. Instead, it seems to mean to be their friend, to fold under pressure, to bend at the first sign of collegiality and make concessions. They turn their backs on the ideas and the people who put them there in the first place all for the sake of making their work environment slightly less tense.

Larry Wallace did not fall victim to this fallacy. Within minutes of being sworn in, Wallace had drawn a line in the sand. He spoke with confidence and did not simply allow the majority members to do what ever the chose without objection. He took shots at past actions, he made pledges of future change. He did exactly what he was put there to do.

In response to Wallace attacking the democrats head on, Director Damminger proclaimed that this particular meeting of the Freeholder board was “ceremonial” in nature and that he would not sit here and debate each of the 61 agenda items individually before the people. Ceremonial? I can only pray that line ends up on campaign literature later this year. 61 items that had implications for nearly a million dollars in county spending is only worthy of ceremonial status? Shame on Director Damminger. Were it not for Wallace’s forceful attitude and refusal to be silenced, the people in attendance would have never heard the dismissive perspective of the democrats, and they would have never known that they now finally have a voice in their county government.

Freeholder Wallace, after one short meeting, could really teach a lot to his fellow Republicans in this part of the world. The “stunt” that he pulled at the meeting is exactly the kind of action that other officials should be taking. Break with the business as usual procedure and let the democrats know that things simply will not be done that way any longer.

The big lesson for Republicans is that these people, these people you must “work with” are not your friends, no matter what they want you to believe. They spent months trying to smear and discredit you. They spend years gouging residents for every wasted tax dollar. They aren’t simply going to change because you won. And when you go up for reelection they will be right back to where they started. People often complain that politicians only think as far as the next election. I fear that in New Jersey they barely think through the next meeting or voting session. Listen to your consultants (I can’t stress that enough), do and say things on the record that make a statement, and keep the democrats on their toes. Just like with happened in Gloucester County, they wont know what to do or how to react. Stop thinking that you need to “work with” them, and constantly remind them that they need to work with you!

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Great story. Thanks for reporting the facts and helping to enlighten the public. Some facts: Larry and Vince voted against a county budget with about a bloated 5% spending increase; they voted against reappointing a County Treasurer who makes about $30,000.00 MORE than the State of NJ Treasurer; they voted against reappointing a County Counsel who may be in that position illegally since he is also Mayor of Washington Township and the courts have ruled it a conflict to be County Counsel and a locally elected official in the same county. Finally a voice for the people and not rubber stamps to the Sweeney/Norcross machine.

  2. Bravo, Larry and Vince! This is exactly what we have worked towards in the last three years. Good Luck to the Freeholder Board and to Gloucester County residents. P

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