It’s Primary Election Day, Save Jerseyans, and the NJEA continues to use heaps of public money to criticize… Governor Christie’s use of public money?
It can’t be repeated enough that the New Jersey Education Association raises roughly $130,000,000 per year directly from union dues. These dues are deducted from their member teachers’ paychecks. And who pays the teachers, Save Jerseyans? YOU PAY THE TEACHERS!!!
So when I grab a Wawa smoothie after a hard day at work, plop down in front of the computer, sign onto YouTube, queue the John Edwards “I’m So Pretty” spoof (click here if you’ve never seen it… priceless!) and find myself staring at this advertisement, I can’t help but throw up a little bit in my mouth:
How can a union that spends millions annually on political advertising launch a website called “Millionaire for Christie” and expect to be taken seriously? Moreover, how can that union’s chieftain earn over a quarter of a million dollars for a salary (Remember: financed by publicly-subsizied union dues!) and credibly claims that she’s “for the children”?
It boggles the mind, offends the intellect, and makes watching political videos on YouTube an unfortunately unpleasant experience.
The NJEA is a greedy organization that controls the minds of the teachers involved by making them think that they fight for the rights of every teacher in New Jersey. In reality, the NJEA refused to freeze dues for a certain period of time and that is what led to the budget cuts in schools. If this completely unnecessary union had simply not collected dues for a chosen period of time, the dues would have gone to the government and there would have been less of a need for budget cuts. To see the wealth of this union being displayed in advertisements and commercials, to me, it's disgraceful. The money they are throwing away trying to get revenge on Chris Christie, a man who is just doing his job (very well, I might add) is just sickening! Could it not have gone to better use at all the schools who were affected by the budget cuts? But no, I guess the Teacher's Union doesn't care enough about the actual TEACHERS that make up the union, but rather cares more about the MONEY they all bring in with their dues. Shame on you teacher's union for your greed and indifference to the people you are supposed to be protecting and shame on you teachers for supporting it and/or doing nothing to stop this injustice and hatred that is being directed towards our state governor.
This text is invaluable. Where can I find out more?