Every year, there are certain days on the calendar when it’s absolutely, 100% not appropriate to solicit political donations, Save Jerseyans. Christmas. Easter. Or solemn, relatively secular public events like the anniversary of “9/11” immediately come to mind.
And I think the eve of a potentially historic and catastrophic hurricane would qualify as such an occasion?
Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (D-Orange) doesn’t agree!
Take a moment away from your hurricane prep to peruse her truly bizarre email that went out late yesterday afternoon (click on it below to enlarge). As you read, keep reminding yourselves that it was crafted and blasted out to taxpayers on a Friday afternoon. In August. Immediately preceding landfall of a major hurricane…
Worse still, Speaker Oliver’s poorly-timed email included links to the campaign websites of the LD1 and LD2 Democrat slates!
Their districts represent the core southern Jersey Shore region that is directly in Hurricane Irene’s crosshairs at the time of this writing. Literally thousands of Jersey-owned businesses and private constituent residences in Southeastern New Jersey are under the gun. Billions of dollars worth of damage may have occurred by Monday morning or whenever the Jersey Shore’s residents are granted permission to return by the New Jersey National Guard.
That said, shouldn’t these campaigns circulate an email for the Red Cross? Or to benefit a related charity interfacing with emergency services? Or for ANYONE other than themselves???
Speaker Oliver and her ilk clearly didn’t think so. Even worse, maybe they didn’t bother to think at all about the inappropriateness of their email.
I think “disgraceful” doesn’t begin to describe it!