ONLINE POLL: Which Senate Seat is the NJGOP’s Best 2011 Pick Up Opportunity?

Governor Christie campaigned passionately yesterday in Bergen County’s LD38. He’s looking to bring more taxpayer-friendly folks to Trenton.

The NJGOP’s top pol was also realistic on the stump. He said a Republican takeover could only result from “a tsunami” since the new legislative map was crafted “to preserve significant Democratic majorities” in the State House. He’s not wrong. Few experts give Republicans more than an outside chance of capturing either chamber on November 8th.

But hope still remains while the company remains true, Save Jerseyans! At least two of the seats below are “toss-ups,” meaning they could easily go either way depending on turnout. The rest could go Republican IF the “wave” is large enough. Improbable? Yes. Still possible given the ongoing volatility of the electorate. Keep in mind that a switch of just two seats would change the state senate’s composition to 21 Dems and 19 Repubs… a razor thin margin that may make the difference on some key future votes.

So which candidate makes you the most hopeful? Vote below, and feel free to give your best argument in the comments section:

Which GOP State Senate Candidate Has the Best Chance to Win?
Richard Kanka – LD14
John Driscoll – LD38
Vince Polistina – LD2
David DeWeese – LD1
Don Diorio – LD36
Giancarlo D’Orazio – LD4
Gloria Dittman – LD18
William Eames – LD27 free polls 
Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Richard Kanka could win running somewhere else. He should ask Carl Lewis and his Norcross lawyers how that works. Linda is a lock.

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