As I wrote in my long-winded but rather informative article regarding the process by which Rowan might be taking over Rutgers Camden, the two Boards who govern all of Rutgers University, the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors, are incredibly important. These two bodies literally control the assets and operations of all Rutgers campuses.
Tomorrow the Board of Governors, perhaps bravely, will be holding their meeting at Rutgers Camden and will be taking questions and comments from the public (meaning the students and faculty) on the merger. Considering that the overwhelming majority on this campus is vehemently against said takeover, you can imagine how this meeting is going to go.
Well I have some good news for you: You won’t have to imagine! Save Jersey will be live at the meeting feeding you up to the minute notes and pictures, just as I did for the Senate hearing last week. During that hearing we had and incredible amount of web traffic coming from all of the Rutgers and Rowan campuses throughout New Jersey. I hope we can keep pushing forward with that impressive level of interest that this issue has garnered.
The meeting is set to begin at 1:30PM on Wednesday afternoon. There is a rally scheduled beforehand that has been organized by the undergraduate students, for anyone who would like to attend. So be sure to be here tomorrow around 1:15PM for the most up to date information on the merger.
Will Sweeney, Norcoss, an Christie be there? If they feel it is such a great idea then they should come on down and explain it.
I agree.