The Future is Spelled “RUBIO”

R-U-B-I-O, Save Jerseyans.

Freshman U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

This guy has the makings of a president. A great one! Either in 2012 as a dark horse at a brokered convention or down the road in a future contest, I fully expect him to earn a shot at it. He’s one of only three speechmakers I’ve ever heard (Reagan) or read (Lincoln) with the God-given ability to discuss the American experiment with such conviction, clarity and passion that the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

I’m really not easily impressed, folks. Ask any NJ GOP politician who has complained to me over the years following a “less-than-expected” level of enthusiasm for their candidacy at Save JerseyGod knows the GOP base isn’t easy to please, eihter. But Marco Rubio is someone we can all agree on. He get us. We get him.

And like every once-in-a-century caliber orator, Senator Rubio can articulate precisely why his ideological opponents are wrong through words that cut and sooth simultaneously. One particular excerpt from yesterday’s CPAC speech stood out for me:

Unlike any leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other. The basic argument he is making to our nation is that the reason why some of us are worse off than we used to be is because other people are doing too well. That the only way for some of us to do better is for some people to do worse.”

He’s getting at something fundamental here: Americans don’t want to hate each other despite the Democrats’ best self-interested attempts to engender all-out class warfare. Recrimination isn’t the “American Way.” Never has been; Alexis de Tocqueville recognized that when we were still in our infancy. Hence, the reason why a happy warrior candidate able to articulate Mr. Rubio’s message can defeat Obama and his money machine this November.

Watch the entire Rubio speech, Save Jerseyans. It’s long but definitely worth it! If nothing else, you’ll feel better about our current state of affairs (and the future, too) heading into your wintry weekend…





Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Of course, he's totally wrong. Class warfare is the strategy of the right to demonize this President…and any dem in particular. Just like socialist, communist, marxist and any other ist you guys can come up with. But don't let that stop you.

  2. The President has not pitted anyone against each other. If anything, the populace is uprising against unfair practices used by corporations, banks and yes, venture capitalists. What the right is doing is driving that wedge to play to its base. They are the ones that pit the wealthy against the not so wealthy. And really, shouldn't it be a little bit about fairness? Not all one sided. The mantra seems to be that its all the Presidents fault. You give him blame when things go wrong, but never give him kudos when things go right. The economy is finally starting to turn around, yet the right maintains that he had absolutely nothing to do with it, yet when it wasn't going so well, it was his fault.

  3. Right, Rick. And anyone paying attention who can shed their confirmation bias for just a moment can see that there has been a systematic attack on unions, union members and in general on the have-nots – put into high gear in the past few years by the current crop of Tea Party governors, US legislators, and the propaganda arm of the Republican/Tea Party, Fox Network.

  4. The real unemployment number is closer to 15%. Obama shouldn't get a pass because millions of folks gave up and stopped looking!

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