Kyrillos on New Unemployment Numbers: “Menendez has no plan”

Kyrillos campaigning on the Fourth of July.
Kyrillos campaigning on the Fourth of July.

This morning, we learned that the U.S. economy added just 163k jobs in July 2012… barely enough to keep pace with population growth. Consequently, unemployment rose to 8.3% nationally and “real” unemployment (including those who’ve stopped looking) ticked up to 15%.


U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Kyrillos (R-NJ) weighed in a short time ago:

This morning the nation was stunned to learn the unemployment rate for July had risen to 8.3% marking the 42nd straight month of more than 8% unemployment. Americans are hurting and Washington is failing to create the economic certainty necessary to tackle our biggest challenge: jobs. I have put forth a comprehensive jobs plan to do just that. My plan encourages small businesses, creates jobs for middle class Americans and keeps America competitive in the global economy. Senator Menendez has no plan, but what he does have is a failed record earned from years of higher taxes on New Jersey’s middle class families and small businesses. That’s why the NFIB and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsed me instead of him. Bob Menendez is part of the problem and the only way we’re going create the jobs we need to lower unemployment is to make sure Bob Menendez loses his.”

I’m only going to disagree with Joe Kyrillos on one point, Save Jerseyans: I’m not stunned by these numbers. Are you? This President is driving us right off an economic cliff. Frankly, I was stunned when my fellow Americans voted him into office. Nothing bad that’s come of it has surprised me since…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8760 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.