By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie joined Senate President Steve Sweeney on Wednesday for a groundbreaking ceremony at the Rowan University College of Engineering, Save Jerseyans
The Governor took the opportunity to double-down on last summer’s partial merger of Rutgers, Rowan and UMDNJ as well as his appreciate for Sweeney’s partnership in getting it done:
Sweeney faces a spirited challenge this fall from candidate Niki Trunk.
Need a refresher on the Rutgers/Rowan merger debacle? We were on record against it. Click here to visit our second-to-none archives particularly if you’re new to the issue. It’ll be back…
Will Chris Christie be going on any more visits to the zoo in Essex County now that his new BFF chieftain Joey D (CC-Puerto Rico) seems to be in a little hot water, the news of which I didn't see on this site.