By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
From Patrick Murray’s latest Monmouth Poll:
There has been some buzz about Booker being considered as a potential running mate for Hillary Clinton should she be the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2016. While most New Jerseyans are satisfied with Booker’s job performance so far, few feel that he has enough experience under his belt to step into the role of Vice President. Just 32% of New Jerseyans say Booker has enough experience to be next in line to the president, while 53% say he does not. Among registered voters, 30% say he has enough experience to be Vice President and 59% say he does not.”
Frankly, Save Jerseyans, I think my fellow Garden State residents are being a little unduly harsh where Cory Booker (D-Twitter) is concerned. Tweeting A.A. Milne quotes and vegan recipes 24/7 might actually be slightly more taxing than Joe Biden’s job?
Click here to read the full report.
Didn’t we go down this path once before? And hasn’t it proved to be disastrous?
He wasn’t and isn’t ready to be senator yet the dolts in our state still voted for him
Booker is a joke only in New Jersey
Not ready not even close the only reason would be to get more of the minority vote and to try to pull out that base to vote again
Well people also thought slick Obama was ready and we see how well that turned out.
He’s still not ready to be mayor of Newark.
He’ll probably throw his hat in the ring for governor, if this doesn’t pan out.
who did you poll? children?
He is qualified to be Senator, about as much as O Brother Where Art Thou, is qualified to be President … On the election by immature self-centered egotists. MLK’s ideal FAILED … color of his skin, and NOT upon content of character.
He wasn’t ready to be the mayor!!!
No way is he ready for VP!!!!!!!
Hell no