By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
We’re not saying they’re ALL going to run, Save Jerseyans. And a few others might still join the mix.
What we do know?
Everyone listed below is seriously looking at a run for governor whenever Chris Christie moves on…
Cast your ballot and keep the conversation going:
**Correction: Assemblyman O’Scanlon is from Monmouth, not Morris County. We apologize for the error.
Most of these won’t run, so why bother with the poll?
I can’t believe that anyone is asking this for 2017. I have no clue who I would support. Even though I follow NJ news I have no idea who a lot of these people are or what they stand for. I know what I think the main issues should be. We need lower taxes, reduced restrictions on guns, the elimination of county government, a state supreme court that stops making its own laws, equitable school aid to ALL districts not just the corrupt, failed city schools, reduced regulation.
Who cares about these idiots?
Steven Fulop.
Steven Fulop.
Whoever it is needs to get out and about now. Sweeney is all over the place and will have union support and you know what that means – higher taxes and a bigger exodus from NJ of anyone who can afford to get out, which is mostly upper income people. I love NJ and want to stay but can I afford another 4-8 years of a democRAT or a RHINO?
Last primary a lawyer from Atlantic County ran on the primary against Christie and had good ideas on what was wrong and how to fix it, but can you win anywhere today without the money to buy your way in?
@Justin I think Phil Murphy can and will take him.
Steve Fulop – just completed the Asbury Park Half Marathon this past Saturday. Hope he runs and we get someone who knows how to “run” things.
Steve Fulop. he ran the Asbury Park Half Marathon this past Saturday and was one of the top finishers out of thousands of runners. We need someone who knows how to “run” things.
I voted for Holly Schepisi. Look at her and her record. You would choose her too.
First and foremost, I need to look at their voting records, before I come to any conclusion.
Really. Why?