By Art Gallagher | MoreMonmouthMusings.com
Acting Monmouth County Prosecutor Christopher J. Gramiccioni issued the following statement this afternoon regarding the investigation into the Asbury Park and Neptune Township Police Departments’ response to the murder of Tamara Wilson-Seidle last week:

“Yesterday morning, I informed the police chiefs of the Asbury Park and Neptune Township Police Departments that our Office will conduct the Internal Affairs review and evaluation of the performance of the responding officers to last week’s tragic shooting by off-duty Neptune Township Police Officer Philip Seidle.
“This review will be conducted by our Professional Responsibility Bureau to ensure a thorough review and evaluation is performed that will stand up to the scrutiny from the community.
“It is imperative that we look at this incident with a critical eye towards doing all that we can to understand what transpired and learning how, moving forward, we can improve from that evaluative process.