By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot
Do you tattoo?
If so, why? Are you trying to make a statement? Is it part of an emotional commitment? Or did you just decide to get tattooed on a whim or a dare?
Whatever the reason, I don’t get it.
Still, it’s obvious to me that others are onto the tattoo craze and the movement seems to be growing among young people.
Even women seem to be getting tattooed at an accelerating rate.
I don’t like it. And others are reacting the same way.
Some companies have now had to adopt policies that either prohibit or place restrictions on visible tattoos, body piercings and other body art.
Even the Marine Corps has banned extra large tattoos below the elbow or the knee lest these spoil the Corps’ spit and polish image.
Who’d have thought it would come to this?
It seems that some people have forgotten that less is more.
And while we’re on the subject of summer excess please cover up your beer bellies, flabby bare midriffs, butt cracks, cellulite, and yes, your butt cheeks too. You’re contributing to visual blight.
Furthermore, if the heat has made you and yours exceptionally passionate this summer please spare us the PDAs and by all means get a room.
But, back to tattoos: Tattoos don’t age very well and the sentiments they express often turn out to be passing, at best.
And speaking of sentiments, the Bible long ago weighed in on body adornment proclaiming: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”
The idea is that your body is the temple of your soul, an instrument on loan from God to contain your essence and you should not deface it.
Makes sense to me.
Yet many people don’t seem to get the message.
They’re making our word more crass and more vulgar day by day.
Which makes me want to ask them: Why bother with a tattoo when there are kinder, gentler ways to make a statement, demonstrate your love, show your affiliation or remember a loved one?
Besides, some of us would rather not see your tattoos anyway. There are enough in-your-face sentiments being expressed everywhere we turn. We don’t need anymore.
So here’s my summer plea: Do the world a favor. Think long and hard before you get a tattoo. And if you already have one, cover it up or consider having it removed.
Leviticus 19:28
To each their own. Who cares?
Tattoos cause crime. The prison population far outweighs the general population in tattoo ratio, therefor tattoos cause crime, quod erat demonstrandum.
Meh. I think he needs to stop whining like a facist and be greatful that people have the freedom in this country to do what they want.
I have a half sleeve (from the elbow down) in color. Spf 50 is my best friend
So glad christian fascists like Dan Cirucci who want to impose their ancient fairy tale book on everybody don’t get to.
I’ve never had any interest in getting a tattoo, but this actually makes me want to go out and get one.
“I am SO creative that I feel the need to allow other’s to express their artistic abilities, permanently upon my body!”
Unfortunately now when we go to the shore, usually the Belmar area, it seems like the majority of people on the beach have tattoos. I don’t care what anyone says but it makes them all look like poor, white trash. We also can’t help but wonder what the tattoos will look like when they are on the sagging skin of 70 year olds.
So here’s my summer plea: Do the world a favor. Think long and hard before you post something this dumb and purely ignorant again.
In my opinion I think tattoos look bad on old people.
It all comes down to one thing…to each his own.
Oh please! We have REAL problems in this world.
Sometimes I’ll see an attractive person and then notice their tattoos and I’m like “yuck”.
I never hear of people with tattoos complaining about the skin on people without tattoos.
No not for me
If you don’t like tattoos, don’t get them. Regarding your bible verse reference, the bible (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) also says if your wife is not a virgin to execute her… It seems absurdly petty to care about other peoples tattoos. Lastly, look in the mirror before you make comments regarding visual blight.
I’m inked with a red and green outlined in black Celtic knot around my left bicep. I like my tat a lot, and I want another one.
My oldest son, an army master sergeant with six deployments is heavily inked. His wife, a navy vet, is inked. My second son, a successful businessman in the Seattle area is inked, and so his his wife, the mother of my youngest grandson and soon to be the mother of my first granddaughter. My youngest son, a Marine vet is inked. My oldest step-son who is in the NJ National Guard and just back from a deployment to Qatar is inked.
Hazarding a guess, I’ll bet a majority of our front line men and women in uniform have tats because it’s a popular thing to do these days. If ink is good enough for them, it’s good enough for me. Or does someone want to judge them, too?
Consider also that many members of the armed forces get unit or mission tats as a sign of solidarity and cohesion with their comrades in arms. If you’re in the unit and don’t get with the program, you won’t be in the unit long.
Maria Rodriquez-Gregg is right on the money: Don’t like tats, then don’t get tats, but don’t judge others.
Me, I’m not a fan of facial hair, and I think most beards and moustaches make their wearers look dopey. So consider how gross your own personal grooming and lifestyle choices make you look before you pick up a stone to toss at the choices made by others.
nay for me.
I have many tats and I am a mom and grandma they do not define you your actions do
One reason I never got a tattoo is because I didn’t want someone IDing me, ” it was the guy with the skull tattoo on his forearm”.
One in five American adults — that’s 20 percent for those in South Jersey — has at least one tattoo.
The percentage radically increases in younger demographics, with 38 percent of those between the ages of 30-29 having ink. Dollars to donuts, these numbers will only increase similar to the way they radically increased from 2003. Perhaps 40 percent to one-half of all Americans will have some type of body art within the next 12-15 years.
People in this age demographic vote roughly at the rate of 60 percent. Disparaging all of them simply because they have ink is an excellent way to alienate a massive bloc of voters and cause them to turn on you.
Conservatism is a matter of belief, not a fashion statement. You don’t win elections and policy debates or advance the cause of freedom and liberty by ragging on someone because she has an ornate tat running the length of her arm. Insisting that everyone look like you is a great way to be relegated to eternal and forever minority status and be cast into the political pit of despair where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And those of you with facial hair? If y’all shaved you’d drop 10 years off the age of your look.
Don’t mind them on guys. I think it detracts from a woman in many ways but, To each his own.