By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie took action on dozens of bills on Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, including the signing of a jobs bill and e-driver’s license program backed by sometimes-ally Tom Kean, Jr.
Christie also vetoed a controversial Atlantic City PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) program that served as a focal point of last year’s LD2 Assembly campaign.
Veto statements for S2806, A3806, and A4271 are linked with the number.
The full list of the Governor’s actions on legislation is below the fold:
S-172/A-2276 (Whelan, Beach/DeAngelo, Quijano) – Exempts disabled veterans and Purple Heart recipients from payment of municipal parking meter fees when their vehicles bear a disable veteran’s or Purple Heart license plate or placard issued by New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission
S-2972/A-4465 (Van Drew, Cruz-Perez/Andrzejczak, Tucker, Benson) – Requires DMVA assist and mentor veterans through criminal justice system
A-1667/S-2155 (Johnson, DeAngelo, Andrzejczak, Mukherji, Pintor Marin/Van Drew, A.R. Bucco) – Permits child whose parent or guardian is ordered into active military service to remain enrolled in school district where child’s parent or guardian resided prior to active military service
A-2935/S-1325 (Andrzejczak, Lagana, Webber, Mosquera, Lampitt/Van Drew, A.R. Bucco) – Authorizes property tax deferment for deployed military personnel
A-2299/S-239 (Andrzejczak, Benson/Van Drew, Stack) – Requires municipalities to exempt 100% disabled veterans from construction permit surcharge fees for improvements to promote living unit accessibility; appropriates $20,000 for municipal reimbursements
A-3552/S-2636 (Mazzeo, Andrzejczak, Mukherji, Benson/Beach, Van Drew) – Creates financial planning assistance program for disabled veterans and their caregivers
A-3554/S-2606 (Mazzeo, Andrzejczak, Mukherji, Benson, Danielsen/Beach, Cruz-Perez) – Increases income eligibility cap to receive respite care for certain veterans
A-3750/S-2569 (Lampitt, Tucker, Andrzejczak, Singleton, Mosquera/Beach, Allen) – Requires Adjutant General to create informational webpage for women veterans
A-4148/S-2731 (Andrzejczak, Benson/Van Drew, Beach) – Provides an excused absence on Veterans Day for pupil who participates in certain activities for veterans or active duty members of United States Armed Forces or New Jersey National Guard
A-4323/S-2952 (DeAngelo, Lagana, Muoio, Benson/Beach, Whelan) – Expands timeframe for renewal of driver’s license, registration, and inspection by military personnel and immediate family members under certain circumstances.
AJR-117/SJR-85 (Tucker, Holley, Vainieri Huttle/Beach, Whelan, Madden) – Urges Congress to restore funding to Vets4Warriors veteran suicide hotline
S-451/A-1103 (Ruiz, Allen/Vainieri Huttle, Singleton, Benson) – Establishes Office of the Special Education Ombudsman in DOE
S-485/A-1976 (Cunningham, Ruiz/Lampitt, Mosquera, Quijano) –Requires president of public institution of higher education to regularly report on-campus criminal and fire events to the institution’s governing board
S-489/A-4926 (Cunningham, T. Kean/Diegnan, Mukherji, Benson) – Authorizes institutions of higher education to grant college credit to high school students who complete the Jersey Boys State or Jersey Girls State program
S-832/A-2039 (Whelan, Beach/Moriarty, Stender, Garcia) – Permits voter registration of certain persons at age 17 for voting at next election occurring on or after 18th birthday
S-1046/A-2721 (Turner, Scutari/Gusciora) – Concerns alterations in child support obligations in response to changes to status of supported child
S-1184/A-1950 (Vitale, Beach/Conaway, Diegnan, Sumter, Danielsen) – Revises requirements for licensure and creates physician-delegated scope of practice for physician assistants
S-1346wGR/A-3837 (Rice/Coughlin, Garcia, Rodriquez-Gregg, Pintor Marin, Jasey) –Concerns the recording of mortgages
S-1447/A-2829 (Greenstein, Addiego/Johnson, Mainor, Rible, Quijano) – Prohibits posting, publishing on the Internet, or disclosing certain information regarding law enforcement officers
S-1567/A-410 (A.R. Bucco, Van Drew/A.M. Bucco, Bramnick, Johnson, Quijano, Rumana) – Establishes DOT roadside memorial program for fallen police officers, sheriff’s officers, EMS workers, and firefighters; designated as “Patrolman Joseph Wargo’s Law”
S-1687/A-4924 (Ruiz, Vitale/Diegnan, Eustace) – Permits students made homeless by act of terrorism or natural disaster to attend tuition-free the school district in which they resided prior to being homeless for two school years after the event
S-2032wGR/A-3440 (Codey, Turner/Diegnan, Eustace) – Requires DOE to review Core Curriculum Content Standards to ensure that they incorporate modern computer science standards where appropriate
S-2110/A-3343 (Oroho/Space, Vainieri Huttle, Schaer, Phoebus, Pinkin) – Requires nursing homes to offer form designating beneficiary of personal needs allowance accounts from incoming and current residents
S-2201/A-3273 (O’Toole/Russo, Rumana, Casagrande) – Authorizes youth camps to maintain supply of epinephrine and permit trained employees to administer epinephrine to camp members suffering from anaphylasis
SCS for S-2251/A-3708 (Oroho, Barnes/Diegnan, Webber, Johnson, Space, Phoebus) –Increases monetary amounts for transfer of estate assets without administration and for exemption from debts of the deceased
S-2260wGR/A-688 (Scutari, Cardinale/Schaer) – Modifies certain fees charged by, and requirements imposed on, check casher licensees
S-2284wGR/A-3549 (Pou, Weinberg/Schaer, Vainieri Huttle, Webber, Singleton, Jimenez, Johnson, Bramnick) – Requires Medicaid managed care organizations to meet certain conditions prior to reducing reimbursement rates for personal care assistant services and home-based supportive care services
S-2442/A-3891 (T. Kean, Sarlo/Bramnick, Rodriquez-Gregg, Johnson, Casagrande, Schepisi) – Establishes NJ Innovation and Research Fellowship Program in DOLWD
S-2495/A-3868 (Codey, Rice/Conaway, Singleton, Eustace, Coughlin) – Authorizes State-chartered banks, savings banks, savings and loans, and credit unions to conduct certain savings account promotions
S-2617/A-3944 (Cardinale/Garcia, McKeon, Auth, Eustace, Pinkin) – Requires DEP to adopt regulations to allow cultivation of commercial shellfish species in certain coastal and inner harbor waters for research, educational, or restoration purposes; requires community engagement process for revision thereof
S-2627/A-3957 (Cardinale, Sacco/Schepisi, Auth, Eustace, Rumana, Johnson) –Designates State Highway Route 17 in Borough of Ramsey as “Staff Sergeant Timothy R. McGill Memorial Highway”
S-2695/A-4110 (T. Kean, Sacco/Dancer, Benson, Jimenez, Johnson) – Requires MVC conduct study and make recommendations concerning electronic driver’s licenses and mobile applications
S-2741/A-4213 (Doherty/Vainieri Huttle, Webber) – Permits unregulated solicitation to perform snow shoveling within 24 hours of predicted snowstorm
S-2787wGR/A-4273 (Sweeney/Singleton, Burzichelli, Giblin, Prieto, Wimberly) –Establishes vocational training pilot program in DOC; provides for inmate compensation for education and workforce training participation
S-2880/A-4704 (Lesniak, T. Kean/Diegnan, Wisniewski) – Provides up to $25 million in tax credits under Economic Redevelopment and Growth Grant Program for certain infrastructure at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
S-2922/A-4925 (Ruiz, Turner/Diegnan, Jasey) – Requires DOE on its website to link to Department of Treasury’s website where list is maintained of all third party individuals and vendors employed or retained for work associated with State assessments
S-2923/A-4901 (Ruiz, Turner/Jasey, Caputo) – Requires school district or charter school to provide notification to parent or guardian of enrolled student on upcoming administration of State assessments or commercially-developed standardized assessment
S-2960/A-4331 (Codey, Rice/Garcia, Vainieri Huttle, Danielsen, DeAngelo, Holley, Benson, Mukherji) – Establishes requirements for training programs for homemaker-home health aides in care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders
S-3019/A-4771 (Sweeney, Stack/Burzichelli, Muoio) – Requires filing of financial agreement for long term tax exemption with county finance officer and counsel; requires quarterly payment of county share of payment in lieu of tax
S-3129/A-4728 (Madden, Cunningham/DeAngelo, Benson, Lampitt, Quijano) – Directs DOLWD to provide information regarding employee leave and benefit rights
S-3168/A-4769 (Sweeney, O’Toole/Burzichelli) – Limits increase in annual budget requests of certain county entities
S-3170/A-4768 (Pou, Bateman/Burzichelli) – Requires county superintendent of elections to operate pursuant to county administrative code; subjects certain salary costs of office of county superintendent of elections to review and approval by county governing body
S-3171/A-4575 (Whelan, Oroho/Greenwald, Burzichelli) – Creates definition of certified mail
S-3182/A-4690 (Ruiz, Pou/Pintor Marin, Spencer, Sumter) – Delays certain documentation submission deadlines under certain business tax credit programs
S-3207/A-4714 (Vitale, T. Kean/Lampitt, Mosquera) – Limits liability of caregivers when facilitating normalcy for children in foster care
S-3240/A-4878 (Lesniak, Allen/Spencer, Sumter, Holley, Eustace) – Authorizes establishment of recovery high school alternative education programs
S-3242/A-4856 (Vitale, Sweeney/Vainieri Huttle) – Clarifies best interests of the child should be primary consideration in actions undertaken by State governmental entities and courts of law
S-3243/A-4702 (Vitale, Greenstein/Vainieri Huttle, Spencer) – Provides that if minor appears to have been sexually assaulted, health care professionals in addition to physicians may authorize forensic sexual assault examination and medical care without parental consent
S-3247/A-4928 (Ruiz, Pou/Sumter, Wimberly) – Eliminates cap on cost of SDA district school facilities projects that may be constructed by district and included in capital outlay budget
S-3282wGR/A-4850 (Rice, Cunningham/Wimberly, Mainor, Johnson) – Expands Police Training Commission membership to include representative from Northern New Jersey and South Jersey Chapters of National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
S-3303/A-4469 (Whelan/Quijano, Mukherji, Jimenez) – Makes fraudulent use of social security number to collect lottery winnings crime of fourth degree
S-3321/A-4927 (Smith, Van Drew, Bateman/Spencer, Rumana) – Authorizes DEP to require public access to waterfront and adjacent shoreline as condition of waterfront development approvals and CAFRA permits
SJR-22/AJR-40 (Weinberg/Johnson, Vainieri Huttle) – Designates January 14 of each year as “Hannah G. Solomon Day”
ACS for A-206, 471, 1663, 2879, 3060, 3108wGR/S-2663 (Green, Spencer, Gusciora, Johnson, McKeon, Giblin, Wimberly, Mainor, Quijano/Turner, Lesniak, Pou) – Shortens waiting periods for expungement of criminal and other records and information; makes various changes to other expungement procedures and requirements
A-311/S-2426 (Bramnick, Diegnan, Wimberly, Gusciora/Ruiz, T. Kean) – Requires public schools to weight courses in visual and performing arts equally with other courses worth same number of credits in calculating grade point average
ACS for A-428/S-393 (Jimenez, Prieto/Sacco, Sarlo) – Expands DNA database to include samples from disorderly persons who are fingerprinted and permits law enforcement officers to collect certain biological samples
A-801wGR/S-861 (Coughlin, Wisniewski, Mazzeo/Vitale, Sacco) – Directs New Jersey Turnpike Authority and South Jersey Transportation Authority to study and report on potential revenue generating services of rest areas and service plazas
A-984/S-1534 (Andrzejczak, Wimberly/Van Drew, Bateman) – Enhances penalty for tampering with evidence after fleeing the scene of an accident resulting in death
A-1455/S-2011 (Diegnan, Mosquera, Caputo, Jasey, Mukherji/Madden, Holzapfel) –Abigail’s Law; requires that newly-manufactured school buses be equipped with sensors
A-1462/S-3288 (Diegnan, Wimberly/Gill) – Requires coin redemption machine operators to disclose fees
A-1466 (Diegnan, O’Donnell, Mainor, Garcia) – Allows for waiver of school bus requirements for mobility assistance vehicle technicians who transport students with medical needs to and from school
A-1726wGR/S-308 (Eustace, Lagana, Mosquera, Vainieri Huttle, Wimberly/Gordon) –Amends “Flood Hazard Area Control Act” to require DEP to take certain actions concerning delineations of flood hazard areas and floodplains
A-1812/S-2717 (Mosquera, Mazzeo, Andrzejczak/Cruz-Perez, Oroho, Jones) – Extends protections of the new vehicle “lemon law” to new farm tractors purchased or leased in New Jersey
A-1958/S-1848 (Allen, Van Drew) – Concerns exemptions from permits for certain agricultural activities under “Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act”
A-2597/S-2161 (Singleton, Diegnan, DiMaio/Ruiz, Beach) – Provides that beginning with the 2016-2017 grade nine class, Advanced Placement computer science course may satisfy a part of the mathematics credits required for high school graduation
A-2839/S-2620 (Burzichelli, Space, Phoebus/Oroho, Turner) – “New Jersey Rural Microenterprise Act”
A-2915/S-2035 (Lagana, McKeon, Ciattarelli/Bateman, Barnes) – “Uniform Trust Code”
A-2943/S-1312 (Andrzejczak, DeAngelo, Mazzeo, Quijano, Danielsen/Van Drew, Allen) –Provides for voluntary contributions by taxpayers on gross income tax returns for active duty members of United States Armed Forces, Reserve components thereof, and National Guard from New Jersey
A-3006/S-3272 (Conaway, Singleton, Eustace, DiMaio, Danielsen/Beach, Turner) –Establishes procedure for consolidating fire districts
A-3019/S-1978 (Singleton, Conaway, Andrzejczak, Mazzeo, Garcia, Mosquera/Van Drew, Beach) – Requires State Employment and Training Commission to prepare annual report on State workforce
A-3043/S-1943 (Space, DeAngelo, Egan, Phoebus, Moriarty/Oroho, Van Drew) –Concerns authority of DOLWD to inspect prevailing wage public work projects
A-3044/S-1944 (Space, DeAngelo, Egan, Phoebus, Moriarty/Oroho, Van Drew)
Requires Commissioner of DOLWD to disseminate certain information to contractors who bid on or perform prevailing wage public work
A-3225/S-2333 (Singleton, Rible, Lampitt, Quijano, Pintor Marin, Jimenez/Sweeney) –Provides for licensure of chiropractic assistants
A-3228/S-2499 (Mukherji, Vainieri Huttle, Mosquera, Garcia/Turner) – Requires sober living homes and other substance abuse aftercare treatment facilities to provide certain notifications to next-of-kin when patient is released from care; designated as “Nick Rohdes’ Law”
A-3257wGR/S-2125 (Andrzejczak, Mazzeo, Burzichelli/Van Drew) – Provides that determination by county agriculture development board or State Agriculture Development Committee as to what qualifies as farm-based recreational activity in pinelands protection area is binding on Pinelands Commission
A-3276/S-2248 (Mazzeo/Whelan) – “Mainland Memoriam Act”; directs MVC to create graduated driver’s license informational material to be distributed by motor vehicle dealers
A-3435wGR/S-2503 (Garcia, Mukherji, Vainieri Huttle, Mainor, Eustace, Mosquera/Stack, Gordon) – “Boys & Girls Clubs Keystone Law”; permits minors to give consent for behavioral health care
A-3850/S-2467 (DeAngelo, Eustace, Mazzeo, Pintor Marin, Benson/Turner, Singer) –Requires BPU to establish procedures allowing electric power and gas supplier customers to switch energy suppliers
A-3927/S-2820 (Andrzejczak, Mazzeo, Taliaferro, Dancer/Van Drew, Oroho) – Requires drivers to slow down before passing slow moving vehicles; establishes Statewide educational campaign on rural roadway safety; updates agriculture-related motor vehicle laws to reflect current industry practices
A-3955/S-2644 (Conaway, Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Munoz, Sumter, Mukherji/Vitale, Codey) – Requires development and maintenance of database to advise public about open bed availability in residential substance use disorders treatment facilities
A-4098/S-2877 (Pinkin, Sumter, Benson/Codey, Greenstein) – Prohibits sale or distribution of liquid nicotine except in child-resistant containers
A-4105/S-2977 (Garcia, Mainor, Mukherji, O’Donnell, Sumter, Rible, A.M. Bucco/Greenstein, Cunningham) – Expands scope of law governing registration of security guards; designated as ” Detective Vincent Santiago’s Law”
A-4133/S-2997 (Giblin, Pinkin/Cruz-Perez, Allen) – Allows dispensation of certain nutritional supplements by physician or podiatric physician
A-4275wGR/S-2831 (Prieto, Eustace, Lagana, Greenwald, Quijano, Danielsen, Mukherji/Sweeney, Turner, Sarlo) – “New Jersey Secure Choice Saving Program Act”; establishes retirement savings program for certain workers
A-4386wGR/S-3042 (Coughlin, Pinkin, Vitale, Singer) – Permits candidates for school board to circulate petitions jointly and be bracketed together on ballot; permits short nonpolitical designation of principles on petitions and ballots; provides for study of impact of changes
A-4387/S-3016 (Coughlin, Wisniewski, Wimberly/Vitale) – Requires MVC to allow submission of “Next-of-Kin Registry” information by mail
A-4388/S-3041 (Coughlin, Wisniewski/Vitale) – Designates State Highway 184 in Woodbridge Township as “Bruce Turcotte Memorial Highway”
A-4415/S-3279 (Diegnan, Garcia, Pinkin/Turner, Ruiz) – Establishes State Seal of Biliteracy to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of bilingual proficiency
A-4420/S-3056 (Mazzeo, Vainieri Huttle, DeAngelo, Lampitt/Gordon, Greenstein) –Requires certain notifications for termination of services to persons with developmental disabilities and providers
A-4476wGR/S-2876 (Conaway/Codey) – Requires certain surgical practices and ambulatory care facilities licensed in this State to be owned by hospital or medical school located in the State
A-4719/S-3250 (Moriarty, Mosquera, Vainieri Huttle, DeAngelo, Diegnan, Mukherji/Cruz-Perez, Ruiz) – Extends use of stored driver’s license picture for person undergoing chemotherapy or other treatment for certain medical illnesses
CC for A-4863/S-3233 (A.M. Bucco, Phoebus, Munoz, Wisniewski, Oliver/A.R. Bucco) –Requires warning sign to be posted at pontoon boat rental businesses; designated as “Christopher’s Law”
AJR-112/SJR-86 (Conaway/Weinberg) – Designates May of each year as “Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month”
S-221/A-4155 (Allen, Vitale/Vainieri Huttle, Sumter, Lampitt) – Prohibits the restraint of prisoners during and immediately after childbirth
S-316/A-1739 (Gordon/Eustace, Ciattarelli, Lagana, Gusciora) – Increases flexibility, clarity, and available tools of optional municipal consolidation process
S-564/A-4186 (Smith, Bateman/Eustace, McKeon, Spencer, Benson) – Establishes “Solar Roof Installation Warranty Program” in EDA and transfers $2 million from societal benefits charge to initially fund program
S-602/A-3254 (Codey, Vitale/Vainieri Huttle, Angelini, Lampitt, Diegnan, Jasey, Conaway, Moriarty) – Raises minimum age for purchase and sale of tobacco products and electronic smoking devices from 19 to 21
SCS for S-726, 1257/ACS for A-1405 (Turner, Cruz-Perez, Beach, T. Kean/Lampitt, Egan, Quijano, Sumter, Danielsen) – Establishes innovation zone program to stimulate technology industry clusters around New Jersey’s research institutions; allows certain technology businesses located in certain innovation zones to receive certain tax credits under Grow New Jersey Assistance Program
S-1232/A-3314 (Weinberg, Pennacchio/Johnson, Greenwald, Wimberly, Mosquera) –Establishes Office of State Dental Director and New Jersey Oral Health Commission
S-1279/A-2325 (Rice, Van Drew/Spencer, Muoio, Benson, Pintor Marin) – Makes FY 2016 supplemental Grants-in-Aid appropriation of $10 million to DCA for Lead Hazard Control Assistance Fund
S-1414/A-2405 (Smith, Bateman/Eustace, Benson, Johnson) – Concerns low emission and zero emission vehicles; establishes Clean Vehicle Task Force
SCS for S-1420/ACS for A-1603 (Beach, Whelan, Smith, Sweeney, Bateman, Thompson/Spencer, Eustace, Quijano, Wimberly) – Requires paint producers to implement or participate in paint stewardship program
S-1436/A-4687 (Rice/Green, Holley) – Exempts sales to homeowner assistance and recovery programs from realty transfer fees
S-1594/A-4044 (Turner/Peterson, Lagana, Rible, Jasey, Wimberly) – Requires a public school district to provide a daily recess period for students in grades kindergarten through 5
S-1961/A-4111 (Codey/McKeon, Jasey, Vainieri Huttle, Garcia) – Establishes certain minimum and maximum temperatures in emergency shelters, rooming and boarding houses, and certain nursing homes and residential health care facilities
S-2143/ACS for A-1682, 3547 (Van Drew, Singer/Wisniewski, Andrzejczak, Webber) –Establishes time periods for adverse possession of certain property
S-2375/A-3700 (Vitale, Singer/Mazzeo, Vainieri Huttle, Lagana, Sumter, A.M. Bucco) –Provides for licensure of ambulatory care facilities to provide integrated primary care services including behavioral health care
S-2491/A-4069 (Smith/Danielsen, Pinkin, Benson) – Establishes position of State Oceanographer
S-2515/A-3269 (Scutari/Mukherji, Burzichelli, McKeon, Garcia) – Confers title of Acting Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on certain judges of the Superior Court, Appellate Division, temporarily assigned to the Supreme Court
SCS for S-2521/ACS for A-3888 (Gill, Allen/Lampitt, Benson, Vainieri Huttle, Eustace) –Establishes Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Advisory Council
S-2623/A-4849 (Turner/Wimberly, Mainor, Johnson) – Requires law enforcement agencies in this State to establish minority recruitment and selection programs; establishes reporting requirement
S-2640/A-4026 (Madden, Pou/Lampitt, Mosquera, Vainieri Huttle) – Establishes New Jersey Caregiver Task Force to evaluate and provide recommendations on caregiver support services
S-2711/A-4128 (Smith, Whelan/Mazzeo, DeAngelo, Spencer, Singleton, McKeon, Danielsen, Johnson) – Permits BPU to approve qualified wind energy project; requires BPU to provide application periods for those projects
S-2716/A-4359 (Ruiz, Turner/Pintor Marin, Spencer, Sumter, Caride) – Requires that school district’s request for permission to use unrecognized position title include list of abolished positions and positions in which there have been layoffs and detailed job descriptions for them
S-2769/AS for ACS for A-4197, 4206 (Smith, Bateman/Andrzejczak, McKeon, Spencer, Pintor Marin, Dancer, Vainieri Huttle) – Implements 2014 constitutional dedication of CBT revenues for certain environmental purposes; revises State’s open space, farmland, and historic preservation programs
S-2793/A-3962 (Whelan/Vainieri Huttle) – Increases from 17 to 21 public members of New Jersey State Council on the Arts; requires members to be residents of NJ; imposes specific criteria for four new members initially appointed
S-2806/A-4913 (Cunningham, Vitale, Singer/Muoio, Spencer) – Removes restrictions on convicted drug offenders receiving general assistance benefits under Work First New Jersey program
S-2878/A-4636 (Stack, Weinberg/Jimenez, Lagana, Mukherji, Vainieri Huttle, Giblin, Moriarty) – Establishes minimum certified nurse aide-to-resident ratios in nursing homes
S-2975/A-4548 (Sarlo, Pou/Wimberly) – Establishes pilot program in Paterson authorizing non-disclosure of records of certain expungements
S-3067/A-4653 (Barnes, Turner/Diegnan, Oliver) – Requires teachers of health and physical education in grades kindergarten through six in public schools to possess appropriate endorsement to instructional certificate
S-3071/A-4639 (Weinberg, Gordon/Vainieri Huttle, Garcia, Eustace, Johnson) – Establishes Mike Adler Aphasia Task Force to assess needs of persons with aphasia, and their families, and ensure adequate provision of support services and information thereto
S-3201/A-3607 (Barnes, Holzapfel/Dancer, McGuckin, Rible, A.M. Bucco) – Requires interior light of motor vehicle be turned on when stopped by law enforcement under certain circumstances
S-3244/A-2740 (Ruiz, Sarlo/Diegnan, Johnson, Jasey) – Eliminates school district budget per pupil administrative cost limits
S-3249/A-4717 (Weinberg, Codey/Johnson, Vainieri Huttle, Eustace, Garcia) – Requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns
S-3277/A-4764 (Cruz-Perez/Burzichelli) – Expands municipal authority to license and inspect residential rental property
S-3299/A-4903 (Sweeney, Singer, Vitale/Burzichelli, Rible, Pintor Marin, Mukherji, Lagana, Vainieri Huttle) – Maintains property tax exemption for certain nonprofit hospitals with on-site for-profit medical providers; requires these hospitals to pay community service contributions to host municipalities; establishes Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission
S-3416/A-4808 (Lesniak, Sarlo/Eustace, Gusciora) – Prohibits possession, transport, import, export, processing, sale, or shipment of parts and products of certain animal species threatened with extinction
SJR-77/A-JR104 (Bateman, Whelan/Ciattarelli, McKeon, Eustace) – Permits county commissioners of registration and boards of election to conduct “Electronic Poll Book Demonstration Project” in certain districts during 2016 elections; requires Division of Elections review and approval of proposed projects
A-431/S-2773 (Jimenez/Singer) – Requires clinical laboratory that provides services for accountable care organization to establish clinical laboratory testing advisory board
A-943/S-2967 (Singleton, Conaway, Moriarty, Green, Lampitt, Mazzeo/Van Drew) –Permits small businesses to qualify for loans from NJEDA for costs of energy audit and making energy efficiency or conservation improvements
A-945/S-2402 (Singleton, Lampitt, Schaer, Wimberly, Garcia/Rice, Turner) – Establishes New Jersey Council on Responsible Fatherhood and Responsible Fatherhood Fund
A-964/S-187 (Singleton, DeAngelo, Quijano, Coughlin, Moriarty/Whelan, Madden) – Requires certain bidders for prevailing wage public work to provide proof that the prevailing wage will be paid
A-986/S-247 (Andrzejczak, Benson, Danielsen, Moriarty/Van Drew, Cunningham) –Establishes telemarketing fraud investigation unit
A-1035/S-2040 (Benson, Rible, A.M. Bucco/Scutari, Cardinale) – Prohibits health insurance carriers from requiring optometrists to become providers with vision care plans as condition of becoming providers in carriers’ panel of providers
A-1039/S-2310 (Benson, Prieto, Caride, Quijano/Sacco, Greenstein) – Sets forth certain standards to be followed by law enforcement agencies and fire departments when utilizing drones
A-1431/S-1501 (Caride, Singleton, Jasey/Bateman, Addiego) – Requires State Board of Education regulations regarding school nurse certification to include certain minimum eligibility requirements
A-1849/S-1766 (Lampitt, Spencer/Rice) – Prohibits State Board of Education from limiting number of certain two-year college credits that may be applied towards meeting teacher certification requirements
A-2026/S-3317 (Greenwald, Pintor Marin/Sweeney, Oroho) – Realigning the transfer inheritance tax payment due date to coincide with the payment due dates for State and federal estate taxes
A-2583 (DeAngelo, Pintor Marin) – Requires development of fact sheet about bedbugs to be posted on the Department of Education’s website
A-2586/S-1796 (DeAngelo, Quijano, Benson/Greenstein) – Establishes “Energy Infrastructure Study Commission”
A-2925/S-1033 (Lagana, O’Scanlon, Burzichelli, Garcia/Weinberg, Oroho, Van Drew) –Allows modernization for the form of disbursement for certain State government and local unit payments to individuals and business entities
A-3460/S-2191 (Conaway, Pinkin, Sumter, Casagrande, Wimberly/Vitale, Cruz-Perez) –Requires Medicaid coverage for diabetes self-management education, training, services, and equipment for patients diagnosed with diabetes, gestational diabetes, and pre-diabetes
A-3806/S-2493 (Singleton, Dancer, Mosquera, Benson/Sweeney, Weinberg) – Establishes four-year pilot program in Ocean County for electronic monitoring of certain domestic violence offenders; designated as “Lisa’s Law”; appropriates $2.5 million
A-4182/S-1995 (Eustace, Sumter, Wimberly, Danielsen, Jimenez/Bateman, Smith) –Prohibits firearm possession by persons convicted of carjacking, gang criminality, racketeering and terroristic threats
A-4271/S-3036 (Conaway, Benson, Pinkin, Wimberly/Vitale, Greenstein) – Mandates health benefits coverage for opioid analgesics with abuse-deterrent properties
A-4343/S-2888 (Schaer, Prieto, Sumter, Danielsen, Johnson/Turner) – Requires county and municipal police departments to establish cultural diversity training course and plan
A-4384/S-3145 (DeAngelo, Pintor Marin, Danielsen, Schaer, Johnson/Whelan) –Requires BPU to render decision on case within 12 months of final public hearing or hold another public hearing prior to deciding case
ACS for A-4576/S-1771 (Johnson, Wimberly, Spencer, Tucker/Turner) – Requires lowest possible price not exceeding certain cap for inmate telephone calls
A-4616/S-2958 (Giblin, DeAngelo, Mukherji/Sweeney) – Extends by two months seasonal retail consumption alcoholic beverage license
A-4652/S-3065 (Benson/Gordon) – Requires Public Health Counsel to promulgate rules and regulations for use of quality control programs in bio-analytical and clinical laboratories
A-4763/SS for SCS for S-2973 (McKeon, Spencer, Pinkin/Smith, Bateman, Greenstein, Codey) – Revises “Electronic Waste Management Act”
A-4772/S-3169 (Burzichelli/Weinberg) – Permits counties to impose one-percent hotel tax
A-4773/S-3146 (Eustace, Garcia, Gusciora/Lesniak) – Prohibits possession and transport of parts and products of certain animals at PANYNJ airports and port facilities
A-4918/S-3301 (Gusciora, S. Kean/Sweeney, Singer) – Clarifies stadiums and arenas owned by local government entities are exempt from property taxation
A-4931/S-3325 (Mazzeo/Sweeney) – Revises “Casino Property Tax Stabilization Act”
A-3981wGR/S-2572 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Andrzejczak/Sweeney, Whelan) – “Casino Property Taxation Stabilization Act”
A-3984wGR/S-2575 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Giblin/Sweeney, Whelan) – Reallocates casino investment alternative tax to Atlantic City to pay debt service on municipal bonds issued
A-3985wGR/S-2576 (Mazzeo, Burzichelli, Andrzejczak, Giblin/Sweeney, Whelan) –Removes provisions of law relating to Atlantic City Alliance