By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie took his battle for equitable school funding to Burlington County on Tuesday, Save Jerseyans, telling a packed house at Hope Hose Humane Co. 1 in Bordentown that the math works in everyone’s favor.
The new plan — which would rely on a flat amount of state aid ($6,599 per child) plus extra for special needs students — would result in 25 of 40 Burlington County public school districts receiving additional aid.
During his remarks in Bordentown, Christie contrasted that community’s graduation rate of 88.5% and per pupil spending of $19,851 in 2013 to Asbury Park’s school district which spent over $30,000 per child over the same academic year despite have a graduation rate that’s 20%+ lower.
“Everybody knows the school funding formula doesn’t work,” the Governor added. “I’m tired of hearing the fiction that money will solve the problem.”
The average household tax savings in Bordentown City?
$1,080 per year.