By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Concerns regarding Hillary Clinton’s health aren’t just a topic of conversation for Alt-Right political news websites, Save Jerseyans.
A respected and well-known New Jersey physician is joining the chorus of individuals who think an inquiry into the former Secretary of State’s physical health is warranted.
Bob Lahita Ph.D., M.D. of Saddle River, N.J., Professor of Medicine at Rutgers University’s medical school and Chairman of Medicine at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, was a guest on Fox Business at the end of last week; he responded to comments by Dr. Drew Pinsky on KABC that he is “gravely concerned” about the Democrat nominee’s health.
“The very fact that she’s having these clots and she’s had two bouts of thrombosis is disconcerting to say the least,” Lahita told the host.
“You go back to the history of our presidents and we’ve had many presidents up until Lyndon Johnson who’ve concealed their health during their campaigns and it had dire effects for our country, going from Kennedy to Roosevelt, to Woodrow Wilson whose wife ran the White House for some time – so we have issues here and I think both candidates should be very forthcoming and perhaps have an impartial panel of physicians review the data and make that kind of decision before Americans go to the polls,” added Dr. Lahita.
Here’s the full interview: