ROONEY RANTS: Obsessing over Clinton corruption won’t make voters care

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Here’s a free tip for my fellow Republicans supporting Donald Trump:

Most swing voters do NOT care that Hillary Clinton is corrupt.

Voters assume (understandably) that all politicians are corrupt.

They’re numb to it. Nothing you or I can say will change that notwithstanding the fact that Hillary Clinton, her lecherous hubby and their cohorts are gangsters in all but name.

An endless parade of Fox News alerts and Alt Right blog click bait trumpeting Benghazi, donors and e-mails alone won’t topple Hilldawg.

trump hillary yellingFace it! You’re wasting energy and valuable time. I’m not defending our culture’s amoral tint or general apathy; I’m simply stating the time of day. Take it from a New Jersey GOP’er!

Consider how poll participants continue to give Congress terrible grades yet continue to send the vast majority of its individual members back to D.C. every two years.

At some point, as is the case in almost any competitive political context, you’ve got to explain to the electorate why our ideas are better than the Left’s ideas. That’s what is largely missing from this campaign, and it’s the primary reason why we’re still running behind despite widespread disapproval of the country’s general direction and Secretary Clinton as a person.

Trumpies are talking to themselves. I’ve been saying this since day one, and now, as predicted, not even their candidate is still talking to them. A strong majority of Trump backers hate Hillary MORE than they believe in traditional GOP ideas and their attitude is reflected in the GOP nominee’s historically shallow campaign messaging. That’s been the core problem stunting this movement’s growth potential since the beginning.

The bad news? Swing voters and lean-Hillary backers don’t feel the same way. They’re hurting just the same as Trump voters but haven’t (and won’t) disqualify Hillary Clinton because Sean Hannity or Matt Drudge say she took money from shady people; again, in their minds, that doesn’t make Hillary any different than anyone else (including Trump whose “shrewd” business practices seem superficially indistinguishable amidst the white noise).

“Matt! Clinton’s campaign isn’t any more substantive!” Keep in mind: candidates running on free stuff don’t have to work as hard. We know this. The Right always needs to work harder, and be more perfect, in order to win for that very reason.

But hey, go ahead, spam me one more time about the Clinton Foundation!

Whatever makes you feel better; that’s what this cycle is really about, isn’t it?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.