Yes, It’s Really Worse Than They Think It Is

Posted with permission from the Dan Cirucci Blog

So, Obama’s been incredibly successful, right?

After all, he’s served two terms and is leaving office with favorable ratings in the mid fifties last we checked.

Not bad, huh?

And goodness knows, Democrats absolutely love President Obama. He’s clearly their hero. In fact, by all accounts, he’s one of the two most “successful” Democrat presidents in recent history.
But, guess what?

Obama’s good fortune has not extended to the party itself. His popularity has not been transferable.

Arguably one of our most self-absorbed leaders ever, he’s never been very good at extending or even strengthening his brand.

To put it bluntly, the record of the Democrat Party during the Obama years is downright pitiful.

Under President Obama, Democrats have lost over 900 state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats and now the presidency itself. It’s a staggering, unprecedented decline.

After eight years of Barack Obama, the Democrat Party seems old, tired, battered and defeated.

Compare that with the Republican Party of today.

The Republicans are fresh off the heels of one of the biggest victories the Grand Old Party has ever known.
For the first time since the 1920s, a Republican president will come into office with a House and Senate of his own party. And, the Republicans will now have the opportunity to put their imprint on the third branch of government (the Supreme Court) for decades to come.

On top of all this, The GOP has a strong, young, diverse bench of bright, rising stars: Jodi Ernst, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Tom Cotton, Trey Gowdy, Susanna Martinez, Tim Scott, Jason Chaffetz,
Scott Walker and many others. In fact, this list is so long that one is hard pressed to include even most of the names that should be on it, let alone all of them.

On the other hand, Democrat leaders are practically decrepit: Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Chuck Schumer, Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, etc.

The Republican bench is deep and vibrant. The Democrat bench is not.

To make matters worse, the GOP has just successfully defended its congressional incumbents during a very tough year when an exceptionally large number of them were on the ballot. In 2018, it will be mostly Democrat incumbents who will face re-election during tough times for their party

You’d think all of this would set off alarms for the Democrats, wouldn’t you.

Well, think again.

Because it seems the majority of Dems (just about all of them that I know) appear to be either clueless about this or in a total state of denial.

Now, as a former Democrat myself I don’t want to start analyzing the current condition of my old neighborhood because it’s part of a past that I’ve long since left behind.
But, as an American, I must say that the Democrats’ current situation is not good for democracy and not good for our two-party system.

Still, we’ll have to leave it to the Dems to ponder this in their own way and on their own time.
For our part, we must now move ahead. America simply can’t afford to sit around and wait for the Democrats to face the real world.


Dan Cirucci
About Dan Cirucci 409 Articles
Dan Cirucci, the founder and editor-in chief of the Dan Cirucci Blog (, is one of the most widely honored public relations professionals in his field and a public relations consultant to numerous organizations and individuals.