The notorious (and long-dead) ARC tunnel’s successor won’t be built for awhile, Save Jerseyans, but the fight for funding starts now.
On Tuesday, Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-07) celebrated the proposed FY 2018 U.S. Department of Transportation Appropriations Act for allotting $900 million for the so-called Gateway program to link New Jersey and New York underwater and, in so doing, theoretically ease congestion in the New York City metropolitan corridor.
“Congress is wise to invest in the Gateway tunnel proposal. The Hudson River tunnel project is one of the most important infrastructure projects in the country, providing a critical link between New Jersey and New York where our regional economy contributes $3.7 trillion to the Nation’s GDP,” said Lance. “This is a major win for Garden State commuters that would not have been possible without the leadership of New Jersey’s own Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen.”
That would bring Gateway’s funding close to the $1 billion mark when coupled with President Donald Trump’s spring Amtrak Northeast Corridor transportation push.
The Hudson River tunnel’s earliest possible build date is 2026.