WASHINGTON, D.C. – Remember that May 8th rideshare boycott, Save Jerseyans? The one that made headlines but fizzled?
As it turns out, it was also one of the more recent examples of Cory Booker’s gross hypocrisy according to the folks over at the Free Beacon:
Many presidential candidates spoke out on May 8, 2019, in favor of Uber and Lyft drivers, who asked consumers to stand with them by refraining from using the services as they fought for higher wages and more job security. Among the candidates who chose to join the one-day protest were Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.), and Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
“I support Uber and Lyft drivers in their strike today as they say enough to unfair wages and mistreatment,” Booker said on the day of the protest. “Let’s all demand livable wages, better working conditions, and job security for drivers and workers across the country.”
On May 8, the day of the boycott, Booker’s campaign spent $333.61 on rideshare services, according to its disclosures. It took six rides on Uber totaling $203.21, and an additional four rides on Lyft totaling $130.40.
And Booker wasn’t the only Democrat 2020 hopeful to support the boycott only to then drop significant coin on rides.
Click here for the Free Beacon‘s full story.