Sweden got it right, New Jersey failed | Spadea

Murphy (left) and Grewal (right)
By Bill Spadea
This post originally appeared at NJ 101.5

Panic is never helpful. And weak leadership amid a crisis can be disastrous. We have watched the feckless and ignorant governor and his cohorts in Trenton mismanage a crisis with delayed action and then overreaction. Then we watched as he literally dismissed your civil rights making a joke on national TV.

Action and mature decisions are what people need in times of crisis. From the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, cooler heads were pointing to facts about the fast spread of the disease, but the relatively low impact on healthy people. And unlike what we were told, evidence shows that kids are not the big spreaders of the disease.

In Sweden, the government made a decision to keep the economy open and go about business as usual, with some smart changes. They encouraged people to work at home and asked vulnerable citizens to isolate at home. They limited gatherings to less than 50 people and required restaurants to offer table service only. So the country naturally practiced social distancing without a crushing economic blow to families and small business. The result? A flattening of the curve, no run on ventilators or ICU beds.

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Bill Spadea
About Bill Spadea 83 Articles
BILL SPADEA is best known as NJ 101.5's unapologetically conservative and politically incorrect morning host. He's also a former business executive, consultant, congressional candidate, TV host, and New Jersey political strategist.