Dan Crenshaw mocks “stupid” Ocean City, N.J. beach restrictions

OCEAN CITY, N.J. – Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw has become a national figure in the Republican Party; next week, he’ll host a virtual event for Tom Kean Jr.

On Saturday, the military veteran – best known for his eye patch – took direct aim at Ocean City, New Jersey for its beach social-distancing policies.

“For your daily dose of things that are stupid, here ya go,” said Crenshaw on his political Facebook page, sharing an image of an OC beach sign annoincing restrictions on certain beach activities. “How many geniuses sat around and deliberated over these particulars?”

“‘Ok they can fish, but we don’t want them getting any sun while they fish and NO CHAIRS, because we are SAVING LIVES,'” the Congressman mockingly added. ‬

Texas began reopening pools and salons among other businesses on Friday; New Jersey remains almost entirely locked down though Murphy has said he will announce beach and retail “guidance” in the coming week.



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