The glorious summer season is almost upon us, Save Jerseyans, and come July, you’re likely to get a $500 check in the mail from the State of New Jersey. No, it has nothing to do with an accidental tax overpayment.
You probably don’t remember but, last September, Phil Murphy and the Democrat legislature negotiated a $500 per household “rebate” check. Married parents with one or more children who earn no more than $150,000 gross annually qualify for the check as do single parents (maxing out at $75,000) who had a net tax liability based on 2020’s filings. Yes, it’s your money coming back to you. That’s government in a nutshell.
And “no.” I’m anticipating your question: it’s not a coincidence that Murphy wants you to receive a $500 check a mere four months before you vote upon whether he gets another four years in office. This is bread and circuses. He saved your life from the covid! And here’s $500 for a new grill, credit card payment, or (discount) weekend at the beach. You’re very welcome.
Don’t fall for it, folks.
You need to pose this question to your neighbors in the weeks and months to come;
Can $500 make up for….
1- 8,000 dead nursing home residents
2- One-third of N.J. small businesses permanently closed in 2020
3- The nation’s worst death rate despite Murphy’s overly-aggressive, arbitrary orders
4- Two destroyed school years for your children
5- The anxiety, fear, social regression and developmental setbecks experienced by your kids
6- Weddings, proms, funerals, parties, vacations, engagements, and a million other special moments postponed or lost forever
7- A massive state-wide jobs hole that, at April 2021’s rate of growth, will take seven years to close
$500 as compensation for all of THAT?
Murphy thinks you’re a cheap date, New Jersey.
If he’s wrong (and I sure hope he is), the only way to show him is by voting him out of office, checks or no checks.