Here’s your latest evidence that the Media is 100% in the tank for Team Blue, Save Jerseyans.
On Friday, July 9th at 11:00 a.m., The Washington Post is hosting an online event with Governor Phil Murphy titled “Leadership During Crisis with Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.).” Now, there isn’t anything weird about one of the nation’s larger newspapers wanting to talk to a governor who’s up for reelection this year.
What’s egregious is the packaging/branding of this thing.
“Leadership During Crisis” sounds like a TED Talk, not a serious, impartial interview of a major political figure.
And check out this opening sentence: “New Jersey has one of the best vaccination rates in the country, with two-thirds of its residents — almost 5 million people — fully vaccinated.”
What about New Jersey’s worst-in-the-world per capita death rate? Do they plan to bring that up, too?
One-third of our small businesses dying in 2020?
The many, many executive orders which run/ran contrary to the popular science?
The WP even published a multi-paragraph press release/bio prepared by the Murphy Administration. Here’s a fun excerpt:
“He has guided New Jersey from being the epicenter of the national pandemic to a model state for restart and recovery with a focus on careful statewide and regional planning to protect residents and save lives. He has built broad partnerships for aggressive COVID testing and vaccinations.”
Yeah. Okay.