NJ-03: Hyland launches GOP congressional campaign in Bayville

Sean Hyland – an ordained protestant minister and ex-executive director of the Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey – launched his 3rd Congressional District Republican primary campaign on Saturday with a Bayville, New Jersey rally.

Hyland was joined in Veterans Park by his wife, Glennys Hyland, who emigrated to the United States from Honduras, along with the candidate’s core supporters.

“My campaign has the energy and early grassroots support we need to compete in the 3rd. We will have the financial support to mount a competitive race and will successfully retire Andy Kim next November so the constituents of my district can have a congressman that truly represents their views on national policy issues,” said Shawn Hyland.

Two-term Democrat incumbent Andy Kim may be vulnerable next fall; it’s only a “may” at this point, Save Jerseyans, because the current Ocean-Burlington district – which is a jump ball, changing party control four times since 2008 – may substantively change in the congressional redistricting process which is currently underway.

Mount Holly school board member Will Monk and social media activist Tricia Flanagan are also in the GOP race. Multi-millionaire Robert Healey, Jr. – a 30-something punk rocker who heads up the Viking Yacht Company – may also enter the contest but (according to my sources) a formal announcement may not come until the new district lines are resolved.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8730 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.