No one person has come to embody the Murphy Administration’s pandemic failures more than Judith Persichilli, the state’s health commissioner. She championed the COVID-19 restrictions that not only slaughtered 8,000+ nursing home residents but also destroyed 1 in 3 small businesses in a single year (2020).
The Narrative must be protected all the same. King Phil is already naming a building after her. And on Wednesday night, the NJ Chamber gave Persichilli their… are you ready for this?… its “Business Advocate of the Year” award.
I’m not joking. It happened.
The Garden State already had an awful business climate before months of arbitrary storefront closures, capacity limits, and other nonsense devastated the New Jersey business community.
Sadly enough, this is par for the course for the NJ Chamber of Commerce. They’ve consistently sided with Murphy’s war on commerce. For the Trenton crowd elected and otherwise, belonging matters more than actually serving the people you’re supposed to represent.