A Washington Post columnist went after Save Jersey (then blocked me for highlighting his hypocrisy)

It’s a familiar story in the modern media age, Save Jerseyans.

On Friday afternoon, a far-left Washington Post columnist by the name of Dana Milbank published a screed in which he goes after Jack Ciattatelli, the NJGOP, Chris Christie, and yes, even Save Jersey for supporting a full count of the remaining ballots in this year’s gubernatorial election. Let’s be clear: no one is seeing imaginary Krakens in the Garden State at the moment. The simple argument is that it was WAY too soon to call a very close race with tens of thousands of ballots still out; vote-by-mail ballots can still arrive through Monday! But Milbank’s premise was as lazy as it was predictable: by refusing to immediately concede when the AP called the race, Ciattarelli and those supporting his position are attacking the “integrity” of our elections.

He’s trying to smear Murphy opponents by painting them as crazy ‘January 6th’ election objectors. It’s libel, frankly, insofar as he’s deliberately misrepresenting our positions in an attempt to discredit us.

I’m not surprised this guy’s got a terrible hairline, folks. If I was Dana’s hair? I wouldn’t stand by him either.

In any event, here’s the shot he took at SaveJersey.com & company in his column:

And it’s not just Ciattarelli.

The New Jersey Republican Party tweeted that the Republican National Committee had deployed 20 lawyers to New Jersey as part of “our election integrity team (the largest such team ever assembled).”

A website funded in part by Koch money, SaveJersey.com, reported that the RNC’s “election integrity” group sent more than 200,000 texts and emails to voters — another way of trawling for fraud allegations. The website cited “widespread technical difficulties,” the “possibility of legal challenges” and a “potentially protracted battle.”

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie told Guy Benson of the right-wing TownHall outlet that “there’s a very legitimate chance Jack could win this” and that Christie is concerned about “data discrepancies.”

[Emphasis added.]

He’s wrong on multiple levels, folks; for example, the aforementioned 200,000+ texts sent out by the RNC were sent WELL BEFORE Election Day. How is it “trawling” for fraud when very few people had voted at the time the messages were texted out? The Koch line is also priceless. While we greatly appreciate the support of AFP here at Save Jersey (one of our current sponsors), for what it’s worth, their annual contribution level is the monetary equivalent of a few textbooks for a liberal professor’s college class. I’m not getting rich on it, folks. Trust me (hence, my day job as a small firm attorney).

FYI: Following the publication of Milbank’s piece, I’ve received hate emails. This is how they roll, folks. 

I decided to set Dana straight on Twitter:

Needless to say, the Sweeney point pissed him off. Leftists like Milbank are never worried about the sanctity of our democracy when its Steve Sweeney or Stacey Abrams demanding election transparency. Nope; it’s only dangerous to the republic when Republicans want to count.

Consequently, I should be surprised by how it all ended:

Poor baby.

I doubt his hair will grow back anytime soon, but he should consider attempting to grow a spine.

Keep pushing, folks. Never take their bullshit lying down. They’re wrong; we’re not.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8755 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.