New Jersey Democrats may soon legalize speeding

I’ve been writing here at Save Jersey for nearly 15 years, Save Jerseyans, and just when I think I’ve written about the all-time stupidest bill to come out of Trenton (most recently a proposal to ban disposable wipes), the Democrat majority endeavors to surprise me.

Here’s a new doozy:

Assemblywoman Shanique Speight introduced legislation (A5171) last month to legalize… speeding.

That’s right. There’s nothing wrong with your eyes or your monitors. The social justice warriors under the Dome would limit law enforcement’s ability to stop motorists to the following circumstances: “1) racing on a highway; 2) improper passing on right or off the roadway; 3) improper passing in a no passing zone; 4) tailgating; 5) reckless driving; 6) use of a handheld cellphone or electronic communication device while driving; 7) speeding when the driver exceeds the posted speed limit by 30 miles per hour or more; 8) leaving the scene of an accident; and 9) driving while intoxicated.”

Most speeding = legal under this proposal. By way of example, the police officer in question could clock someone driving 54 in a 25 and NOT have any authority to stop them on that basis alone. Keep that in mind the next time a wild driver comes bolting down your residential street where you children play. “Instead,” the bill’s statement explains, “the law enforcement officer may issue a citation for a violation of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes observed by the law enforcement officer by first class mail to the registered owner of the motor vehicle on form prescribed by the Administrative Director of the Courts.” However, “[t]he bill also provides that a registered owner of a motor vehicle who receives a citation by mail under the bill’s provisions, but was not the person who committed the violation is to be permitted to contest it electronically or by remote access, rather than requiring the owner to appear in court.”

The end result? Plenty of guilty parties will go free, and some  innocent people who lend their cars to friends or family will end up pleading guilty or being convicted.

The bill also omits “failure to maintain lane” which is a very common initial observation of drivers operating their vehicles while intoxicated. Hundreds or even thousands of future drunk drivers could be off the hook if this bill ever sees the light of day.

There are other beneath-the-fold wacky aspects of A5171, too, including a provision (as articulated by the legislative statement) providing that “the odor of cannabis, either burned or raw, by itself, does not establish probable cause for a State, county, or municipal law enforcement officer to search a motor vehicle or the operator or occupants of a motor vehicle.” This gem could greatly complicate officers investigating a drug-related DWI.

“Social justice” once again translates to a less safe society for everyone living in it of all races, backgrounds, and creeds. I doubt Democrat leaders will push this bill aggressively in a legislative election cycle (the entire legislature is on the ballot this fall), but if Democrats retain their current majorities in both chambers come January 2024, Speight’s speeding legalization bill – and plenty of other insane proposals – will be coming to a street near you.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8765 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.