Smith’s bill to combat ghoulish Chinese organ harvesting industry easily clears House vote

The closely-divided U.S. House of Representatives passed Chris Smith’s bill to combat Chinese organ harvesting (HR 1154) by a wide margin on Modnay, 412-2. Smith (R, NJ-04) presently serves as co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, and Smith has used his platform to discuss the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) practice of stealing organs from perfectly healthy and ALIVE prisoners housed in its many concentration camps.

“Every year, under General Secretary Xi Jinping and his Chinese Communist Party, between 60,000 to 100,000 young victims—average age 28—are murdered in cold blood to steal their internal organs,” said Smith, who has been sanctioned by the CCP for his tireless advocacy and legislative work to promote human rights,” said Smith. “These crimes against humanity are unimaginable.”

During one of Rep. Smith’s many hearings on the topic, physician testified having performed a surgery on a prisoner who survived a botched execution only to discover that the victim wasn’t dead but in a state of shock.

The so-called “Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023” aims to accomplish the following (as articulated by Smith’s office):

  • “Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to require reports on forced organ harvesting and trafficking in persons for purposes of the removal of organs in foreign countries, including and especially in China;”
  • “The imposition of serious sanctions on any person the President determines funds, sponsors or otherwise facilitates forced organ harvesting or trafficking in persons for purposes of the removal of organs;”
  • “Civil penalties include a fine of up to $250,000; and”
  • “Criminal penalties include a fine of up to $1 million dollars and imprisonment for not more than 20 years, or both.”
  • “Sanctions also include blocking and prohibiting all transactions in property and interests in property, and making such persons inadmissible to the United States and ineligible to receive a visa.”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8755 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.