Nothing seems to be working for the Left. Not surprising when they live in a house of smoke and mirrors, unmoored from any moral foundation and tethered to the disastrous history of socialism’s past.
Their candidate is disintegrating before our eyes. Their stewardship of the country is a train wreck. Their weaponization of the judicial system against their political opponents is backfiring.
Even their cone of protective silence against legitimate “journalism” seems to be crumbling, at least temporarily.
They call Trump and his supporters racist.
The result – a record shift of black support from Biden to Trump.
They call Trump and his supports xenophobic and uncaring on immigration.
The result – a record shift of Latino support from Biden to Trump.
They call Trump and his supporters misogynistic. They want women to be barefoot, pregnant….THE HANDMAIDS TALE!!!
The result – Trump’s support among women increases.
They call Trump and his supporters backwards, reactionary, clinging to guns, religion and an outmoded vision for the future.
The result – Young voters, saddled with debt, holding worthless college degrees and seeing little hope of improving their lot in Biden’s economy are moving away from the Democrats and embracing the party offering them more freedom, economic opportunity and self-determination.
They have nothing to offer but fear and loathing. With Biden in bed by 4pm, no positive record to run on and their empire of lies circling the drain, they are desperate for a new boogie man. Artificially instilled hysteria is their weapon of last resort and their most cynical appeal to a weary and worn down American electorate.
Which brings us to PROJECT 2025.
Clearly the marching orders have gone out to the Dems and the media (but I repeat myself) to paint this middle of the road, conservative policy manual as Trump’s version of Hitler’s Mein Kampf – a modern-day road map to Facism, dictatorship and an end to OUR DEMOCRACY!!!!!
The document is 900 pages long. Do you think any of them have actually read it?
PROJECT 2025 does not come out of the Trump campaign. Trump is vaguely familiar with it himself.
It is a two-year endeavor of dozens of conservative groups to create a road map for the future of America based on smaller government, less bureaucracy and regulation; leading to a freer, more dynamic and opportunistic economy and culture.
The philosophical foundation is expressed in the introduction to the document: “The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before. The task at hand to reverse this tide and restore our Republic to its original moorings is too great for any one conservative policy shop to spearhead. It requires the collective action of our movement.”
The plan envisions a four-part approach:
Reminiscent of former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America,” Project 2025 makes four promises (specifics are under each one in this excellent summary from Town Hall):
Promise 1: “Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.” This includes doing away with all but two genders, DEI, and other ideas imposed on the country by unelected bureaucrats, and national school choice.
Promise 2: “Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.” The writers explain that “Conservatives desire a smaller government not for its own sake, but for the sake of human flourishing. But the Washington Establishment doesn’t want a constitutionally limited government because it means they lose power and are held more accountable by the people who put them in power.”
Promise 3: “Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.” Is there anyone but liars and the self-deluded who doesn’t believe we have a border problem?
Promise 4: “Secure our God-given individual right to enjoy ‘the blessing of liberty,” by which they mean “Our Constitution grants each of us the liberty to do not what we want, but what we ought.” Restoring oughtness requires the resurrection of a standard by which right and wrong, good and evil can be measured. This begins in our schools and universities which have largely abandoned that standard with results we see in academic underperformance and the violation of laws, sometimes leading to campus violence as we witnessed this spring.
These are not radical or fascist proposals, but what previous generations considered common sense and self-evident truths.
The LEFT can’t tolerate this vision because it threatens their quest for an all-powerful administrative state under their authoritarian control.
At its core, Project 2025 is a call for the return to our founding principles and a limited, accountable government centered on the framework of the United States Constitution.
The Left hates that idea. Kinda tells you who the real enemies of democracy are, huh?