Returning To The Real World After The DNC

The party that supposedly SAVED DEMOCRACY, just finished off a ruthless coup to implant a puppet candidate that not one person cast a vote for.

Oh the joy of ruthless tyranny!

After a week of fraud, fiction, fantasy and just plain weird…we now return to the real world.

Here, hopefully, enough of us still possess the brain power to resist the Left’s propaganda-induced collective amnesia over the sorry state of America and we can clearly grasp the truth that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their evermore radical policies are responsible for it all.

To refresh your memory, Kamala’s DAY ONE was January 20th, 2021.

1291 days ago.

Election Day will mark her 1,365 day as Vice President.

November 5th must be a performance review by her employers, the American people.

Her argument for a new contract:

“Forget the last four years. You need to renew my contract and give me the big promotion. Actually you have to. Or else you’re a racist who hates women and I’ll report you to HR.”

No thanks, Ms. Harris. You embellished your resume. Most of the staff quit because they hated working with you. You completely ignored your number one assignment – The Border. You stabbed your boss in the back and stole his job.  I’m guessing you would fail a random drug test. And that cackle….Lord, give me strength.

You’re fired.

Open your eyes and refresh your memory. See clearly the harm that progressive policies have inflicted on the lives of everyday Americans in the past 3 1/2 years.

Now imagine two full terms of Kamala Harris. Another 2922 days of this.

Wake up. Snap out of it.

Then vote accordingly.

Tim Donohue
About Tim Donohue 16 Articles
TIM DONOHUE is the former mayor of Middle Township, New Jersey.