Monmouth GOP enters Election 2024 with 20k+ voter registration edge

The Jersey Shore is getting redder, Save Jerseyans.

Exhibit A: the Monmouth GOP is entering Election 2024 with an over 20,000 voter registration advantage over the Democrats.

“With significant investments in outreach to voters, Republican county, state, and local officials who dedicate hours upon hours to keeping Monmouth attractive to both long time residents, newcomers and visitors, and a Republican leadership team that is second to none, we have made great strides in growing our Republican voter base in Monmouth,” said Monmouth GOP Chairman Shaun Golden who began his tenure contending with a 4,000 voter Democrat edge.

In December 2020, Monmouth Democrats outnumbered their GOP counterparts by 1,331 voters. At the beginning of October 2024, Democrats’ raw number of voters was stagnant (141,193 in 2020 vs. 141,032 in 2024) and Republicans had gained a 20,121 registered voter edge in addition to a large increase in raw voters (139,862 in 2020 vs. 161,153 in 2024).

We’ll find out shortly what this registration jump means for the Republican-dominated county’s electoral bottom line.

Trump narrowly edged out Biden in 2020, 50.69% to 47.91% notwithstanding the very slight Democrat registration advantage in existence at the time.

The only Jersey Shore county with a Democrat edge is Atlantic, but that’s also decreased over the past four years (from 18,296 in 2020 to 9,588 at the end of September 2024). It’s a trend which could make an impact not just this cycle but also in 2025 when the entire Assembly is once again on the line in addition to the selection of Phil Murphy’s successor.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8760 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.