This weekend you’ll be able to catch Governor Christie on Meet The Press where he will be discussing this past week’s Republican wave across the country. Meet The Press is billing Governor Christie on their website as “a rising star of the party – a man who has been mentioned as a possible contender for the White House.”
Something tells me that right off the bat, Christie will take a moment on network television to dispel that notion. If he doesn’t raise the issue himself, I’m completely certain that it will be a question asked of him at some point in the interview.
Just this past Wednesday, Christie spoke to the rumors, yet again, at a Trenton press conference. The Governor said,
“Short of suicide, I don’t really know what I’d have to do to convince you people that I’m not running,”
If that’s the only other option, call me a believer! We need our Governor here to fix the problems at home. Be sure to check out Meet The Press this Sunday.