In January of 2011 Governor Christie has announced that he will be cutting at least 1,200 public sector jobs from New Jersey State Government. These cuts, which will consist of both layoffs and attrition, would save the state money at a time when the the next budget is expected to be even more shocking than last year’s. The Governor had pledged to solve our state’s fiscal woes without increasing taxes, and so far he has done so. Any nay sayers from last year are likely to change their tune based on experience. Christie is not messing around. This is a huge turnaround from just over a year ago, when we had a governor who would stop at nothing to bloat our state government at the expense of the taxpayer and the private sector economy.

According to a spokesman, there is a chance that the layoffs will go beyond this projected number, but that will not be known until the revenue situation for next year can be properly estimated and accounted for.
No word yet on which departments will be shedding public positions, but you can be sure that the public sector unions will be out in full force to block any attempt to save money for New Jersey taxpayers. Luckily for us, that hasn’t worked out too well for them thus far into the Christie administration.
I say cut 50% of the entire public work force and empower management to enforce new work rules to get more productivity of the remaining employees.
Yes…he'll slash 1200 jobs, yet he hires a crony from Middletown for a no show job at $95K a year. He's nothing more than an old time politcal don doling out patronage jobs to friends and supporters, while slipping the knife into the back of the regular working guy.