Live Webcast Preview: Chris Christie ‘Goes National’ at the Reagan Library


Governor Christie will address the Reagan Foundation tonight at 9:00 PM EST. Click here to watch.

Expect a big speech in Simi Valley, Save Jerseyans. Not because he will announce for president, mind you. His inner circle tried to make that point abundantly clear to Fox News earlier today. Notwithstanding this latest “NO” answer from Camp Christie, I am still willing to bet that tonight’s speech has the effect of multiplying the chorus of calls for him to reconsider.

I’m even more sure of that after previewing the speech.

My reaction? It’s notable that most of the Governor’s speeches to non-New Jersey audiences, to date, have focused on his New Jersey record and very little else. He openly brushed off media questions designed to take him, as he saw it, off the topic of saving our Garden State. This speech is very different. He’s clearly injecting himself into the national debate with this address in a fashion that he’s shirked away from until now.

I can’t post the speech until after it’s over, Save Jerseyans, but here is an approved excerpt that will help you see what I mean:

At one time in our history, our greatness was a reflection of our country’s innovation, our determination, our ingenuity and the strength of our democratic institutions.  When there was a crisis in the world, America found a way to come together to help our allies and fight our enemies.  When there was a crisis at home, we put aside parochialism and put the greater public interest first.  And in our system, we did it through strong presidential leadership.  We did it through Reagan-like leadership.

Unfortunately, through our own domestic political conduct of late, we have failed to live up to our own tradition of exceptionalism.  Today, our role and ability to affect change has been diminished because of our own problems and our inability to effectively deal with them.

Click here to watch at 9:00PM.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Imagine how easy it would be for another candidate to make an attack commercial out of that… I can see it now "chris christie says he's not ready to be president… if he doesn't think he's ready why should you…"

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