More Violent Liberal Rhetoric: Zombie Edition

The liberal media, if they weren’t ignoring the issue, would have you believe that the violent rhetoric spewing from the mouth of union thug Jimmy Hoffa, Jr. at the President’s Labor Day event in Detriot was an isolated incident. The truth? Its not.

In fact, liberals go to great lengths to express their hatred for conservatives, not by merely attacking their ideas and trying to win at the ballot box like rational thinking people would do, but instead by demonizing and throwing red meat to the base they want so badly to fight their “war” for them.

What sort of great lengths? Well one upstanding citizen decided to make a zombie first-person shooter video game depicting notable Republicans, Fox News corespondents, and different offensive versions of “pissed off white people.” The object of the game? Slaughter the Tea Party/GOP zombies of course!

CLICK HERE to watch the video, I was not allowing me to embed it at the time of this post. 

While normally I would look at this, laugh, and move on with my life, I feel as though it is important to point out the increasing trend of violent expression coming from the left. They increasingly seem to accept and push the idea that an argument for spending cuts should be met with some sort of intimidation. Top Democrats should be denouncing this type of speech and behavior. There is no room for it in American political discourse.

Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Really? Where were you when Palin had Giffords in her "crosshairs'…where were you when her battle cry was "Don't Retreat…RELOAD!"….what a bunch of typical republican hypocrites.

    If you can't take the heat..then just get out.

  2. After the shooting in AZ the President called on both sides to tone down the rhetoric as to not incite violence (even though "violent" rhetoric like crosshairs had nothing to do with that incident). To make that statement and then be silent when President Obama's opening speaker says something like this is simply hypocritical. As I said, I would normally look at things like this, laugh, and continue with my day. But when the left constantly criticizes the Tea Party and Republicans for violent rhetoric they do not use, but then ignore it from the unions, that inconsistency should be pointed out.

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