Someone Has to Be Wrong: The GOP Iowa Caucus Poll of Polls

Today a new poll of likely Iowa caucus voters was released by Rasmussen Reports. The results of this poll came in with a stark contrast to the results reported by Bloomberg earlier this week. Now, I understand that polls are merely a snapshot in time (even though we’ve gone to this awkward practice of polling for days at a time and aggregating the results, but that is a rant for another day), but not that much time has passed between the actual tallying of these polls to explain a gap this wide in the results.

The Bloomberg poll had the top four candidates as follows:

  1. Herman Cain – 20%
  2. Ron Paul – 19%
  3. Mitt Romney – 18%
  4. Newt Gingrich – 17%

And the latest poll from Rasmussen is claiming the order to be somewhat different:

  1. New Gingrich – 32%
  2. Mitt Romney – 19%
  3. Herman Cain – 13% (he was in the lead in the last Rasmussen Poll)
  4. Ron Paul – 10%

There are always going to be differences in polls. Samples vary, margins of error vary, news of the day might drop a candidate into Bachmann territory in the blink of an eye, but this just seems bizarre. A fifteen point swing for New Gingrich makes absolutely no sense. Ron Paul going from 1/5th of the vote to 1/10th is equally puzzling. The only real consistency seems to be that Mitt Romney cannot breach 20% in Iowa, which is not surprising considering the fact that he has concentrated most of his resources on actual primary states thus far, and as a result is leading in New Hampshire with close to 40% support.

So Save Jerseyans, who do you believe? Which polling firm is closer to the truth? Bloomberg vs. Rasmussen. Fight!

Which Poll Tells the Truth?:
 Neither, they both stink
 Ron Paul free polls 


Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Brian, your strategy of making "Ron Paul" a response in every single poll just to lure crazy Paul-zombies from every corner of the internet it not working. Please give it up.

  2. Ron Paul's my choice for the nomination, but notice how I control myself and not cast my vote for Ron Paul in this poll, contrary to the usual stereotype.

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