Chris Christie and Joe Kyrillos hit the campaign trail together on Thursday for the first of what I’m sure will be many joint appearances throughout the next 8 1/2 months.
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Chris Christie and Joe Kyrillos hit the campaign trail together on Thursday for the first of what I’m sure will be many joint appearances throughout the next 8 1/2 months.
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I think Joe Kyrillos is clearly the underdog but he can win this race if he talks about real issues. One of those real issues he needs to talk about is Sen. Menendez's support of the Mass Transit Tunnel which may have cost NJ taxpayers as much as 10 billion dollars to finance their share of the project when you consider cost overruns if Chris Christie hadn't put a stop to it.
That 10 billion dollars would have been spent on 44,000 commuters (increase in peak morning capacity of system). That is a capital appropriation of $227,272 for each commuter. How idiotic is this? You could supply each of those commuters with bus transport for 40 years (even luxury buses) at the same cost of building this tunnel. Who would support this type of project to the extent that Bob Menendez has?
Yes, the project will have benefits to some. It will bring massive benefits to the real estate barons who own land near the proposed terminal in NYC. It will benefit politicians getting kickbacks from contractors. And, it will provide construction jobs. But why the heck should NJ taxpayers bear the cost of this project.