Christie and Kyrillos Announce First Joint Campaign Stump

Campaign 2012 enters full swing this week in the Garden State, Save Jerseyans, as Governor Chris Christie and U.S. Senate hopeful Joe Kyrillos campaign together tomorrow, Thursday, February 16th at the West 22 Diner in Springfield (Union County) around 1:30 PM.

The address is 272 Route 22 West. Click here for driving directions.

It’s unclear whether the event will be “themed” or just a general media availability and meet-and-greet. Kyrillos has been trading barbs with the incumbent Democrat all week over religious liberty and federal budgetary issues. The Governor hasn’t said much of anything on either topic, but Kyrillos has trumpeted his famous friend’s policy successes in Trenton as an alternative model of governance to “business as usual” in Washington, D.C.

Before he reaches the general election phase, Kyrillos faces a likely primary challenge from former 2010 Tea Party darling Anna Little and a number of other minor candidates. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. joe kyrillos is the biggest fake conservative on two legs. him and his buddy chris christie who put pro gay marriage judges on the high court and let property taxes go up against this year. no change, all more of the same.

    all real unreconstructed conservative constitutional loyalists will vote for anna little:

  2. What a great point from a prior articles poster below:

    State Senator Kyrillos will not be able to defeat US Senator Menendez. They are identical in contrast giving the edge to the incumbent.

    Illegal immigration – Both did nothing.

    Unemployment – Both caused it.

    Dirty donations – Both accepted them.

    Foreclosures – Both did nothing.

    Health insurance – Kyrillos gets caddie benefits for part-time position in Senate.

    Debt – Both caused it in NJ.

    Change – Both are career politicians.

    Reality – Public goes with incumbent by default.

  3. I love general comments like this that are so faulty in logic and absent of any factual backing. This is one of those blind fringy Tea Party comments that means nothing and is just ridiculous on its face, and this is coming from someone that has been involved in the TEA Party from day one. I just cringe at these types of rants because they do not resemble anything close to an understanding of reality. These two men are far from the same politically, Joe Kyrillos has done and voted on much in regard to all of the important issues, and voted conservatively, but your ilk never seems to get that in NJ, Republcans are in the minority and have control of NOTHING in the legislature.

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