South Jersey’s Justin Alvarez Needs Your Help

He isn’t a politician, Save Jerseyans.

11-year old Justin Alvarez, a student at Bishop Schad Regional School in Vineland (Cumberland County), is fighting more than one battle right now. And he needs your help.

Justin’s first battle is against an inoperable brain tumor.

This little warrior hasn’t flinched at a time when many of us would be inconsolable; he passes time reading favorite passages out of a family Bible. The right attitude is an invaluable asset to be sure. What he desperately needed from others was prompt approval for a chemotherapy pill costing $2,000 (yes, per pill). The treatment would require Justin to take two of these pills daily for fourteen consecutive days.

Justin’s second battle is one familiar to many of us: with insurance bureaucracies. Justin was finally approved for the pill after waiting four weeks. I’m told Governor Christie personally contacted the family and potentially intervened. I don’t know. What I do know is that Justin is having a very rough time having waited so long for the chemo treatment, and hospice care has been called in to make him as comfortable as possible. His family and friends hope and pray that it isn’t too late.

As we speak, Justin’s family is working to win approval from New Jersey Family Care for a hospital bed but time is of the essence.

A dear friend of Save Jersey brought this situation to my attention. She spoke with Stacy Morris (Justin’s Mother’s best friend) earlier today and passed all of this information on to me. Specifically, the family is doing all they can to secure a hospital bed for Justin as quickly as possible. Kerry Alvarez (the mother) is a breast cancer survivor, so this South Jersey family has certainly endured their share of struggles as of late.

Those who have followed this website since 2008 know that we don’t often do charity appeals. Quite frankly, if we indulged everyone who asked for our help, Save Jersey would turn into one giant bulletin board!

Yet something about this little boy’s courageous fight, right in our own backyard and in the midst of so much uncertainty in our world, really hit me at my core.

Times are tough, Save Jerseyans. I know many of you are up against it yourselves.

But if there is any way you can help move this hospital bed along with your support and/or generosity, please contact Stacy Morris at (609) 501-6560 or online at


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. It's a disgrace that an 11 year old hospice patient has to "wait" for a hospital bed! Can't any reader get Justin his bed? The little guy has lost the ability to walk, can barely speak or see. Is our State so bound up in red tape that a gravely ill little boy can't get something he needs for basic comfort?

  2. It's killing me that I'm not a millionaire and can't just go out and buy Justin a hospital bed. I did do that for someone a couple of years ago, but my funds are now considerably less and I just make it from check to check. But I have a suggestion: is an internet organization that allows people to offer or request items at no charge. If you sign up there, you can request a hospital bed and someone out there in freecycle land probably has one to give. It just has to be picked up and taken to Justin's home. I've gotten just about every item I've ever requested and I've also given out many requested items. There are freecycle groups all over, including one in Vineland and one in Millville! I'll go on right now and make the request. Others might do the same. It's easy and it's free. Let's get Justin his bed, soon!!!!!

  3. Dear Justin Alvarez and Family,

    I am the owner of Vineland_NJFreecycle

    Vineland NJ Freecycle has been helping the community

    since 2006. And we are here to help you.

    Please have a family member join Vineland NJ freecycle group

    You may post for what ever items you need.

    Our online community members are friendly and caring members.

    We are here to help you, your family and your community with items you may need.

    The Vineland NJ Freecycle group members help reduce the flow of waste to landfills by encouraging neighbors to give unwanted but reusable household items to each other instead of throwing them away.

    Our efforts of our environmentally aware residents

    gift items for FREE.

    Others in nearby towns are welcome to join too.

    Note: We are no longer affiliated with

    This group prefers to help our local communities and counties.

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