In case you missed it this week, Save Jerseyans, be sure to check Save Jersey Contributor Joshua Einstein‘s 5-part interview with Benjamin Case of “Organization for a Free Society,” a proponent of so-called social justice ideology who is closely aligned with the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement.
It was an eye-opening experience.
The videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Occupy Essex is publicizing Prudential's shameless attempt to soak-up the last of the state's tax incentive money to help them expand their New Jersey dominence. Does it seem right that corrupt politicians and big business placed this request in the middle of the night to avoid scrutiny? Imagine money meant to bring in out of state business and create new jobs going to a company that earned a $3.5 billion profit last year. This is croneyism at it's worst and we owe Occupy for having brought attention to it.