Shelley Adler Begins Campaign Against Runyan in NJ3…Where She Doesn’t Live

Today Shelley Adler, widow of former Congressman John Adler, kicked off her campaign for congress in the 3rd congressional district, where she most certainly does not live. In full disclosure, this is not a Carl Lewis or Gabby Mosquera problem. Members of Congress do not have to live in the districts from which they represent. This is especially true in years following redistricting, where everything gets thrown in the air every ten years to account for population changes, political trade winds, etc.

That all being said, just because Adler does not have a legal problem, it does not mean she skirts the political issue. Adler lives in Cherry Hill, one of the stronger Democrat towns that were removed from NJ3 in our redistricting process. And while Cherry Hill has been in the 3rd for a very long time, from what position of strength does one attempt to argue that they have the ability to represent a district from which they do not even reside? How can you know the issues of a district and the people of a district if you do not even live among them? Shelley seems to feel that this is no big deal.

Conventional wisdom says that the removal of Cherry Hill made the district more Republican-friendly, but to be honest I think this is still the most competitive district in the state, especially considering that Congressman Runyan is only in his first term.

When her late husband won the seat in 2008, he did so largely by tying his opponent, Chris Meyers, who is now infamous for other reasons, to President Bush and his unpopularity in New Jersey. It worked amazingly well.

However, Mrs. Adler will not be as lucky as her husband with regard to narrative. We are no longer coming off the tail end of an unpopular Republican President, but are instead witnessing what could be the end of an unpopular Democrat President with a waning base of support against a GOP challenger who has the strong backing of New Jersey’s popular governor. Oh, and throw in nearly 9% unemployment and high gas prices, too.

Runyan’s seat is gaining national attention from groups on both the left and the right as being targeted. This race will be one of the hottest ones to watch come the fall.


Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.


  1. Maybe she should start bringing up Farmer John's very, very low property taxes. I mean, fair is fair. If you're going after something that's completely legal, why not?

  2. It's pretty obvious that Shelley Adler is the real carpetbagger, Deciminyan. Shelley Adler has never lived in the current district.

  3. okay…. bring it up again. If I could save some money on my $8,000 dollar a year tax bill, which I receive no municipal services for, I would put 30 goats on my property too. I just prefer to cut my lawn myself though.

  4. Once again Ron, you have no clue. I'm saying that there is nothing wrong with Mrs. Adler running since its perfectly legal and shouldn't be an issue. Just like Farmer Johns tax break. Perfectly legal and shouldn't be an issue. I wish I could take advantage of a legal tax break also and I certainly don't begrudge anyone that can…from Bon Jovi to Farmer John. You're a fairly dense person Ron, so maybe try to read between the lines once in a while.

  5. Once again Rick you've proven my point about liberal opposition. Attacks such as "you have no clue", "you should read between the lines" and of course back to name calling such as "fairly dense" and "Farmer John".

    If taking advantage of a tax break isn't an issue then why bring it up? Alder doesn't live in the district whose constituency she wants to represent. That's the whole point of this post, right?

    I'm focused on the issue, are you?

  6. Well…Ron….its not illegal to run in that district, is it? No, it isn't. That's my point. Why attack her for something that's legal to do? Just like why attack Farmer John for something that's legal to do? No, you shouldn't and neither should this site. Its a NON-ISSUE..just like the tax breaks. My whole point. And, that's the issue.

  7. Rick,

    Please open your mind and read:



    car·pet·bag·ger[ krpət bàggər ]To hear the pronunciation, install Silverlightcar·pet·bag·gers Plural


    1. post-Civil War opportunist: a Northerner who moved to the southern United States after the Civil War, especially one seeking political or commercial advantage

    2. outsider seeking local vote: an outsider whose only interest in coming to a place is to win it as a political seat

    Thanks BING!

  8. Oh…I get it now Ron..its ok to bring up LEGAL moves when its to your benefit, but its not ok to bring up legal moves, like taking advantage of the tax laws for personal gain. I see now…sorry, I thought you were trying to be fair. Silly me.

  9. Rick,

    Life isn't fair and crying that it's not fair probably won't work out for you in the long run. ABSOLUTELY use the law to your advantage!(God knows we have more than we need!)

    The only thing guaranteed under the Constitution is an equal opportunity and NOT equal an outcome.

    She wants to represent constiuents where she doesn't even live! Get it? Don't misdirect by saying "oh yeah? well…."

    Stay focused now!


  10. Ok then…when people are hurting and someone takes advantage of tax laws designed for REAL farmers, then we should absolutely make it an issue. I'm all for it then. C'mon Farmer John…explain away the 5 goats you have to save thousands in property taxes. I bet he doesn't. He'll hide behind the law, even if it isn't the right and ethical thing to do. Go Shelley!!!

  11. Rick,

    Focus now…. FOCUS! The topic is Adler's desire to run for an office to represent a constituency where she DOES NOT RESIDE!

    The outrageous part is, there is no one else in the district that is qualified to represent them? No one there is good enough? I'd be offended if I lived there.

    Stop the misdirection Rick. I'm sure you can stay focused on one issue at a time just like I can!

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