Senate Judiciary hearings are underway, Save Jerseyans, and the fate of at least one Christie nominee to the New Jersey Supreme Court could hang in the balance.
Democrats spent all morning questioning Philip Kwon‘s family’s background, their alleged past misdeeds, his political affiliation… pretty much everything under the sun except for “his favorite color.” I’ve yet to hear a substantive question concerning his judicial philosophy or legal qualifications from the majority party’s membership. Shocking, I know!
Shortly before lunch, Senator Joe Kyrillos finally had enough.
“We haven’t had a question about his qualifications, a question about his judicial philosophy, if Mrs. Kwon the nominee,” Kyrillos exclaimed in an exasperated tone. “This is a spectacle.”
We weren’t expected anything less than a spectacle, Save Jerseyans. There’s a reason why our state ran into a financial iceberg in 2009, and many of those “reasons” are questioning Mr. Kwon today.
Mercifully they’re still taking an extended lunch break. We’ll keep you in the loop…
Keep on them, these two have no qualifications that I can see.