This is Garden State politics, Save Jerseyans.
I don’t believe in coincidences.
For example, The Courier-Post ran yet another story yesterday on the campaign spending habits of South Jersey’s Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ1). The latest? He’s allegedly retained the D.C.-based Brand Law Group to defend against a steady stream of campaign finance-related accusations.
Frankly, many of these allegations aren’t new. Old info with some new anecdotes thrown in. And I can’t help but find the regional media’s newfound interest in vetting Andrews a little curious.
Back in 2010, I had helped with the primary campaign of his former general election opponent, Dale Glading. Believe me when I say that getting the local media to pay attention to that campaign was like pulling crocodile teeth! Almost without exception, they couldn’t have given less of a damn about Dale’s attributes, Andrews’s record, or just about any other topic which the Fourth Estate is traditionally charged with exploring – particularly for a federal elected office in an important election cycle!
So why this sudden interest in digging up dirt on Rep. Rob Andrews, many months away from the general election, in a presidental cycle where high Democrat turnout in his even-bluer post-redistricting NJ-1 renders the veteran incumbent less vulnerable than ever before?
Three purely hypothetical possibilities to consider:
(1) The Courier-Post is suddenly adopting a new, more aggressive posture to political reporting even though, as of yet, Andrews appears to be the only (or first) object of old-school journalistic scrutiny?
(2) Given recent events concerning the RU Camden/Rowan merger, it’s no secret that South Jersey Dems might primary Sen. Lautenberg again in 2014. Perhaps Lautenberg-affiliated enemies from up North are using left-over opposition research from his 2008 primary campaign to try and cripple Andrews politically, once and for all time, before the aging Laut is up again in 2014?
(3) Most sinister of all? The South Jersey Machine wants to move Andrews along to create upward mobility opportunities for its less-senior cogs but, to the political overlords’ dismay, Andrews declined to go willingly; hence, someone on his own team is feeding information to the press to speed his departure?
Of course no pundit can say for sure, Save Jerseyans. We’re speculating based off of what we know historically, politically and personally about the world in which Rob Andrews is presently fighting to survive. Your Blogger-in-Chief hears interesting things and develops favorite theories just like everyone else.
One certainty in this mess? Rep. Andrew was well-advised to seek professional help.
Someone wants him out.
Someone… try lots of people. His opposition to Delaware River dredging is one of the top reasons on my mind. Everyone has an angle though.
Matt, thanks for the good analysis. You're right; it is puzzling why the Courier is starting to cover Andrews' financial shenanigans now. As you well know, our campaign supplied the media with hard proof about dozens of such FEC violations in both 2008 and 2010. However, citing the non-competitive nature of our race, they neglected their journalistic responsibilities and refused to report the story. By doing so, they predetermined the election results and prevented the voters from making an informed decision at the polls. Hopefully, the whole story will come out now and Andrews will be held accountable.
I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
It's definitely not (1). This is an inside job on "Robbing the People" Andrews.
I'm betting on his own backstabbing brethren. As my mother used to say, "You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas!" He should have known better. He actions are symptomatic of the arrogance of Camden County Dems. They know they will continue to be returned to office due to the mentality of the Jersey voter; uninformed, easily bought, and or apathetic. Very sad.