Oy Vey, Democrats! Poll Shows (Some) American Jews Are Abandoning Obama

May is “Jewish-American Heritage Month,” Save Jerseyans.

It’s an appropriate time for Jew and gentile alike to consider the fate of God’s Chosen People. After all, they haven’t been in this much danger since the 1930s. Vile antisemitism is on the rise (again) in Europe, and Iran is a kookocracy on the verge of historic nuclear advances. With the atom in his pocket, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can accomplish more in minutes than Adolf Hitler was able to do in a decade at the head of one of history’s largest military-industrial complexes.

The word “terrifying” doesn’t even begin to communicate what may lie ahead for humanity – and the Jewish people specifically – in the absence of swift and decisive action from America, Israel and their remaining allies.

Is it any wonder that Jewish Americans are beginning to second guess their default status as liberal Democrats?

Check this out (h/t Michael Barone):

The latest survey of Jewish Americans, conducted March 14-27 by a firm called Knowledge Networks for the American Jewish Committee, shows Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney by a 61%-28% margin. That’s significantly behind Obama’s 78%-21% margin over John McCain among Jewish voters in the 2008 exit poll. …

Obama gets 72% of the votes of those most concerned with the health care issue, according to the current AJC survey, and 62% among those most concerned about the economy. But Romney leads Obama among those Jews whose major concern was national security issues (44%-42%) and U.S.-Israel relations (44%-42%). Clearly Obama is losing some Jewish voters on foreign policy issues.”

Governor Chris Christie has been less-then-shy courting Jewish supporters both at home in New Jersey and overseas in the Holy Land. A significant number of press releases from the Christie front office are directly related to Jewish community outreach.

It’s working so far. He won 38% of New Jersey’s Jewish vote in 2009.

This new AJC poll suggests something may be happening for Republicans at the national level, too. The data suggests American Jews rethinking their Democrat roots are responding, at least in part, to the strong contrast between President Obama’s politics of appeasement and the unwaivering support of Israel evidenced by GOP leaders like Mitt Romney and yes, our very own Garden State Governor.

And is this movement significant? Absolutely. As Michael Barone points out, “Jews made up 2% of the national electorate,” and “with higher numbers in New Jersey (7%)” and a few other, mostly-Northeastern states. Newly-minted Jewish Republican voters could sway more than a few close races this year…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. It's about time that the Jews wake up. I don't know a single Democrat that favors Israel. They constantly bash Israel and think that the US should not intervene in any way shape or form to assist Israel in their safety. What in God's name is wrong with the Jewish people — why do they vote for Dems? We conservatives are Christian and our Christ was a Jew. WE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE IN DEFENDING ISRAEL AND JEWS, NOT THE DEMS!!! WAKE UP!!!

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