Is It a Trap? House Republicans Need to Treat #Holdergate with Extreme Caution

It’s on, Save Jerseyans.

Unless you’re living under a [Glen] rock, you know by now that the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform voted on Wednesday, by a 23-to-17, to recommend holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The Committee’s action results from the Justice Department’s months-long refusal to release documents relevant to the “Fast and Furious” scandal.

Contempt votes like this one don’t happen in a vacuum. There have only been a few in all of congressional history.

The Committee’s decision came shortly after President Obama invoked executive privilege to justify withholding the documents. A curious move, particularly since such declarations usually occur (1) much earlier in the production request process and (2) are usually accompanied by a point-by-point explanation… but not this time.

Speculation abounds….

… mostly because the Deputy AG’s letter to Chairman Issa falls woefully short of the aforementioned standard. You can read it by clicking here.

Everyone on the Right is crying foul. And rightly so; the Left’s hypocrisy on this one is glaring. Having come (ironically) around the 40th Anniversary of the Watergate break-in, Matt Drudge even spliced a photo a Richard Nixon with Barack Obama; my gut reaction was “aw, poor Nixon!” But Nixon aside, the conservative consensus is that Obama’s decision to invoke executive privilege, something which is clear and undeniable evidence of a cover-up by the Administration. Most conservative commentators believe it’s an attempt to “punt” a potentially damaging issue to after the election when it can’t affect the President’s campaign.

Have we considered that this is actually a trap, Save Jerseyans?

Obama is an exceptionally self-centered man even measured against other politicians. I find it hard to believe he’d protect Holder just out of loyalty to a friend. This is the presidency we’re talking about. He’d also have to know that claiming executive privilege would LOOK guilty and do nothing to silence his critics. Quite the opposite. So either (1) Obama is hiding a presidency-destroying secret, or (2) he’s hoping Republicans will over-reach and make him a martyr much like happened with Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

I’m not saying House Republicans shouldn’t hold these jerks’ feet to the fire, Save Jerseyans. We need to show the American people what kind of people are running their country. I am saying that we need to proceed cautiously; the most effective path to liberate our republican form of government runs through the the ballot box this November. We’re well on the way. Let’s not get distracted.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.