¡Ay, Caramba! Christie Critic Paul Krugman Schooled in Spain (VIDEO)

Have you seen this? Earlier this week, frequent Christie critic Paul Krugman (of Princeton/the NYT) got schooled at a Spanish economic conference on Euro-related issues, Save Jerseyans.

It was a thing of beauty!

A seemingly mild-mannered Spanish economist, Pedro Schwartz, effectively (and in my humble opinion devastatingly) attacked the underlying premise of the obnoxious Mr. Krugman’s frequently debunked Keynesian/Neoclassical worldview: that government spending is the key to a country’s economic prosperity. 

The Spaniard patiently deconstructed Krugman’s theories, correctly noting how “Keynesians got us into this mess and now we have to sacrifice our principals so that they can get us out of this mess.” Amen! By way of background, Spain’s prime minister recently announced a new round of austerity measures totaling €65 billion in cuts. These kinds of pro-growth public decisions make Krugman’s head explode.

And like all liberals, Paul Krugman doesn’t like being questioned/challenged/forced to explain himself or his views. It’s much easier to sling arrows from your NYT column or a safe perch on his Ivory tower without fear of confrontation. So at around the 13:00 min mark in the video posted below, rather than lead off with a substantive response to Professor Schwartz, Krugman shamelessly plays the victim card (another favorite liberal tactic) and accuses his articulate critic of attacking his credentials.

Watch the video and be your own judge, Save Jerseyans. You’ll likely agree with me that Krugman behaved like a clown. Here’s hoping Schwartz gains followers and helps lead an economic reconquista in Europe! God knows they could use it.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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